Chapter 5 - The dream

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(3rd person p.o.v)

(Y/n) woke up but noticed that she was standing up and she wasn't in her bedroom anymore.

"W-wait where am I...?" (y/n) thought to herself.

(Y/n) soon looked around and noticed she was at a carnival but not the colorful type...instead everything looked like it was damaged, rusted, and everything was just black and white.

"Why hello there!!" Laughing Jack said walking up to (y/n).

"Why am I here!?" (Y/n) yelled out.

"Why (y/n) you're at my carnival!" Laughing Jack said in a exited tone.

"B-But why...?" (Y/n) whispered out.

"Because you belong to me now gumdrop!"

Laughing Jack soon slowly started to walk towards (y/n).(y/n) tried to get words out of her mouth, but nothing came out, she was paralyzed with fear.(y/n) then just looked down at the floor.

"Look at me (y/n)..." laughing Jack said.

(Y/n) slowly looked up only to see that Jacks face was just inches away from her face.

"G-get away from m-me..." (y/n) whispered out, slowly starting to back away from Jack.

"Oh you can't escape me my dear!!" Laughing Jack said in a maniac tone.

(Y/n) soon started to run away from the clown as fast as she can.

(Maxine's p.o.v)

I woke up at 6 in the morning to the sound of (y/n) whimpering, and almost muffled screaming. I decided to quickly get out of bed and see what was wrong with her.

When I got to her room she looked like she was having a awful  nightmare.

"(Y/n) wake up"

"G-get away f-f-from m-me." (Y/n) whispered out.

"(Y/n) wake up!"

I decided to shake her but still she wouldn't get up. I decided that shaking her wouldn't help wake her up, So I decided to get the spray bottle that was filled with water.

"Sorry (y/n)" I thought to myself.

I started to spray her face over and over again, it was funny but I still felt bad. After a couple of spray's later she finally woke up but she was panting like crazy.

"(Y/n) you ok...?"

"I-it was a dream thank god..." (y/n) whispered out.

"Are you at least ok (y/n)...?" I whispered to her.

"Y-yea I-I'm ok" (y/n) said in a scared tone.

"What even happened in that nightmare (y/n)?"

"I saw him..."


To be continued...

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