Chapter 17 - Nightmare's

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(Y/n) p.o.v

Me and Jack we're still hugging for what felt like forever, until it was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Jack said obviously annoyed.

"It's me Masky, Slender needs you for a mission."

"Ok I'll be there in a little!" Jack said.

"How long will you be gone Jack?" I asked.

"It's ok gumdrop I will come back soon." Jack said walking out of my room.

After Jack had left I felt a bit sleepy and decided to just take a nap, I changed into some comfy cloths, and put some of the cake away, I went under the covers of my bed closed my eyes and fell into a slumber.

(In the dream)

I woke up in a very dark forest, I started to walk around for a while until I heard a maniac laughter.

"Who's there?" I asked.

"You cant escape me (y/n)~" the voice said.

I then realized it the voice! It sounded a lot like Jacks voice.

"J-Jack is that you?" I asked.

I then felt someone behind me, I slowly turned around only to get picked up bridal style by Jack, but he looked different very messy hair, wide eyes with black circles under them, a maniac smile, and he was covered in blood.

"J-J-Jack what are you doing...?" I whispered.

" dear (y/n)~" Jack said while stroking my hair.

"Jack please let me go!" I yelled.

Jacks grip on me then tighten, as he started to dig his claw like hands into my skin.

"You will learn to love me (y/n)! Whether you like it or not you will be MINE!!" Jack said in a maniac voice.

"N-No please Jack let me go!!!" I yelled out. Tears started to form in my eyes.

"But my dear (y/n)! Look what I have gotten for you!" Jack said pointing to a pile of dead bodies.

I looked closely at the bodies only to realize that they were my friends! Maxine, Violet, David, And Michael. And my little brother Isaac.

"JACK NO WHAT DID YOU DO!?!" I yelled, tears falling down my face.

"I did it for you (y/n)! They kept getting in the way now you will be mine forever!"

"No Jack please let me go!!!!"

(Meanwhile with Laughing Jack)

I quickly went to go do the mission that slender asked me to do, it was just a bunch of stupid teenagers wandering around the woods. It was pretty easy to kill them, after I was done slaughtering those teenagers I quickly started heading to the mansion to check on my gumdrop. Once I made it to the mansion I got inside to see Jane sharping her knifes.

"Hey Jane is (y/n) in her room?" I asked.

"Yea I'm pretty sure she is." She said.

"Oh well thanks Jane!" I said walking towards (y/n)'s room."

Once I had gotten to her room I heard her crying and whimpering at the same time, I was so scared on what could be happening to her.

"(Y/n) are you ok?!" I asked knocking on her door.

 A Sweet Romance (Laughing Jack x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now