Chasing Twenty One

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Alexander leads a group meeting in his house.  Jamie, Hayden, Jane and The Cabrera are sitting around an elliptic shaped table while Alexander standing on one corner of the table, in a room which is dominated with white.  He’s explaining them about a device that he got from his Uncle Silvestro. 

On his hand, he shows a compass size device.  That device is indeed like compass overall but that is special compass.  It is made to detect vampires nearby in the range of a few meters to the north, south, west, and east.   

“This is the one and only device made from hundreds years ago by our ancestors.  It cannot be replicated.” Alexander gives it to Jamie. “Jamie will lead you in most of our sessions.”

Jane who has been looking around and unfocused during the briefing, eventually raises her hand. “Seriously though where is Freya? I don’t see her for the past week and her favorite professor been looking for her.”

“She’s leaving town.  I can’t give you exact answer when she will be back.” Alexander takes a deep breath. “However, Jamie will always be available to help you out with anything regarding this and I hope her absence won’t affect any of you.” He throws a glance at Hayden who looks uneasy on his seat.

Suddenly Nora says. “Are you fighting with your sister because of the stunt she pulled that night, getting us together in one dangerous place?”

“Shit was wild.” Sam muttered.

Alexander just stays silent but Jamie then responds in his behalf. “Can we get back on the discussion here? This is no time to interrogate him further about something that he already gave the answer to.”

After one last briefing, Alexander ends the meeting.  They are told to go home and get ready for the first official hunting session tomorrow night.  Jane whispers an apology to Alexander before she leaves because she feels that she was the one who started an out of topic talk.  Alexander nods and just smiles slightly. 

“Tell me that you didn’t actually mean what you said to her when you fought.” Jamie asks after everyone has left. 

Alexander simply answers. “She meant what she said and so I did too.” He has no interest to continue talking about that so he leaves Jamie who’s still sitting on his seat.

Jamie is silent for a few seconds then quickly gets up, catching up on Alexander. “I believe she wanted to make things right with you.  Alex, she really cared about you.  What has she done that’s so bad that made you do that?”

“What did she say to you?” Alexander keeps walking to the center room. “Jamie, I appreciate your effort.  But there’s too much that you can’t understand from the long history between me and her.” He suddenly turns around and almost bumps on Jamie.

Having the same height, their eyes meet when they stand facing each other. “I know one thing though.  You don’t give up on the people you love.  If it’s not because of the people I love, I wouldn’t stay in this stupid little town with the responsibilities and do the shit.”

Alexander laughs plainly and shakes his head. “You’ve got stuck for only 26 years Jamie.  Try 477 years!” he looks down for a while to take a breath then continues. “Try living with the responsibility for 477 years and every time you thought you did right, everything just fell out of place.” His tone is getting higher and with some stress on some words. 

“She is my damn sister.  There’s no word existed that can encompass the love and bond I have with her.  I’d give up everything for her in a heartbeat.  This isn’t what I wanted.  It’s what I needed to do for her own good.  That’s what she always wanted anyway all the time I tried to keep her by my side.” Alexander closes his eyes and breathes in and out then walks away. 

Jamie knows better not to continue seeing him like that.  Alexander never talks with higher than his normal calm tone.  He also notices that Alexander doesn’t smile anymore when he used to talk with a friendly smile on his face every time he talks with people.  Jamie tries to be patience and always remembers what Freya asked of him for Alexander. 

When the sun goes down, the team is preparing themselves with Jamie leading them in a certain room provided in the town hall.  It’s so cold with the snow is falling again today.  They all are wearing a jacket that can turn out helping to keep some weapon and stake under the jacket.  It will not be a big hunting.  Alexander demanded Jamie to lead a small hunting just to clear out the town hall, park and nearby area where most people visit daily. 

“I need you to leave anything that might be distracting and valuable if they are missing.” Jamie shows the table in front of him where they should put their valuable things for him to keep. “We cannot risk your mind getting distracted when they take something valuable that you’re wearing or bring.”

Jane scoots next to Jamie.  She takes off her bracelet of her left wrist. “I always wear this since I was 12.  My childhood best friend gave this as friendship token.” She brings the bracelet to her lips before giving to Jamie.  She takes his hand and puts the bracelet on his hand. “She died a year later.  So I want you to handle it with care.”

“I’m so sorry, Jane.  And I promise you have my words.” Jamie tells the others to wait outside to flex some muscles. “Remember, act normal and blend in at your spot until you get an alert from me.  I put you in each spot where vampires are detected but you don’t know which one.  Take it out of the public.  We do not kill in public. ”

Hayden turns back after a few steps. “Oh this is personal phone.  I forget to leave it.  I’m free from distractions now.” He puts his phone on the table in front of Jamie and taps Jamie’s shoulder as he’s leaving.  Jamie collects some things left on the table and puts them on a leather pouch. 

His hand jerks when Hayden’s phone vibrating shortly upon incoming message.  He reads the name ‘Freya Milano’.  He’s so tempted to read the message for some reasons.  He hasn’t heard anything from her since she’s left.  On the other hand, he believed Alexander is much better version of himself with Freya around.  It’s been strictly business ever since Freya gone. 

Jamie clicks the phone to put the screen on.  He clicks his tongue, finding that it is password protected.  He’s thinking hard to read Hayden’s mind to crack his password.  After thinking of all the possibilities, he types in some numbers: 110807.  Password is accepted.  He feels a surge of guilty feeling but shakes that away.  He tells himself that he does it for a good reason. ‘Hey, been occupied with a lot of stuff out of town.  I don’t forget you, not after the steamy time we had.  I don’t mind a repeat.  Let’s have a date.  Meet me for dinner in Express Coffee in Casper this weekend, your choice.’  
He’s dazed reading the message until Sam calls him back to the reality. “Hey Jamie! It’s getting cold outside.  Do you want us to go now or wait for another order from you?” he waits outside the door.

“Sorry, you can go first.  Didn’t I send the spot to where each of you need to go?” he says.  Sam just gives a thumb up and goes. 

Jamie takes a few deep breath before he’s about to type the respond. ‘Alright.  Saturday.’ He has a plan on his mind.  The reply comes as soon as his reply received. ‘Perfect, see you on Saturday.’

“I’m sorry Hayden.” He whispers as he deletes the whole message leaving no trace for Hayden to find out. 

😮😯 Alexander isn't pleased
How do you think of that Jamie and Alexander confrontation? 477 years!

Hhhmm what's Jamie gonna do by hijacking their date?
Next one and another are definitely my favorite!

Stay tune for more


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