Thugisa x Reader

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Meeting Behind Bar

This was a special request from my friend @FandomLover22. Thugisa is the 50% off version of Nagisa, and basically he is a thug. He mentioned that he was in prison for killing someone and trying to burn down the old swim club, but he joins the prison swim team and later breaks out. Honestly, this has been has been a hard oneshot to write just because I had to get in the thug mentality. Also bc Thugisa obviously has the hots for Rei in 50% off and I ship it. XD anyway hope you enjoy this oneshot. :3

~Fab Chi

Prison was an experience that you both loved and hated. I mean come on, who cares if you were dealing drugs in elementary school, it wasn't worth worth 5 years in there. The only thing that made it all worth it was the prison swim team. Man there was an adorable shota pimp that always drew in your attention.

The person of your attention was Hazuki Nagisa. He was a large time thug, in for murder and arson. Apparently, when he was in elementary school, he killed some kid, a real poser, and tried to burn down the swim club. So compared to you, he was a big time thug that no one messed with.

You did get to speak with him once or twice. Even in prison, you were the go to girl for cigarettes, so of course he would end up coming to you at some point.

"Yo, are you (Y/N)?" You hear and felt a tap on your shoulder.

"I might be, who is asking and for what reason?" You answer while smirking and turn to face the person. Seeing Nagisa your eyes widen slightly but your questions still stand. The questions were basically your policy to see if you can trust a person or if they would rat you out.

"Name's Nagisa, but you can call me hot stuff. The word around my ward is that you can get people cigs." Nagisa replies smirking as well. He extends his hand mockingly to shake yours.

"I can, hot stuff, if you can pay that is," You reply and draw out the nickname evilly. You then slap his extended hand as if giving him a high five.

"Now we talkin'," Nagisa smirks wider and your pulse increases at the sight. 'Damn it, (Y/N) snap out of it and stop acting like prissy little girl,' you mentally scold yourself.

After that, he would come to you to get his cigarettes and your pulse would rise at the sight of him. A few weeks before your release date, the prison was put into a frenzy. Apparently, Nagisa broke out and the prison went into a lock down after that, pushing back your release date.

Now here you are, in front of your new school, Iwatobi High School. Your homeroom teacher was Amakata Miho, and you were starting as a second year in high school. Frankly, you were really behind in school so you were also assigned a tutor. Apparently, he was to be the smartest first year and he volunteered to tutor you.

~Time Skip~

Overall, your first day was pretty uneventful, at least compared to your days in prison.

"Oh, (Y/N)san, I can take you to meet your tutor, Rei-kun. He is a member of the swimming club that I am club advisor for," Miho says to you as the rest of the students leave. "God damned Easter Dave," she mumbles under her breath as she leads to the pool.

Once there, you see some very interesting people. The manager/couch or whatever she was, was a squeling fangirl, obessing over the muscles of the team. A swimmer in a black and purple swim suit was swim through the water as though he wanted to fuck it and a taller swimmer with a black and green swinsuit was starting at the former like he wanted to fuck him. Another swimmer with blue hair seemed to be muttering to himself as he prepared to dive. The last swimmer was- HOLY SHIT IT WAS NAGISA!!!!!!!!!!! JSDGNKJWERBF.

You stop dead in your tracks at the sight of the blond swimmer and your pulse raced like before. What the fuck was this guy doing to you?

"Rei-kun," Miho called, not noticing that you stopped or just not caring. The blue haired swimmer stopped muttering and walked over to Miho. "Yes?"

"This is (Y/N)san, the small time hood you will be tutoring," Miho says before before walking away, leaving you alone with the swimmers.

"Heyo, it's (Y/N)," Nagisa shouts before coming over and throws an arm around your shoulder.

"You know this female?" Rei says in his lowish voice. He pushs his glasses up and glances at the blonde.

"Yeah, me and (Y/N) go way back, she was the one who got me my cigs in the big house," Nagisa says.

"Yo, hot stuff, don't just go spewing whatever you want," You snap at him, his old nickname from prison slipping easily from your mouth.

"Big house? Hot stuff?" Rei mumbled before coming to a conclusion. "Aw, I take it this is your girlfriend from prison."

"I think you need your fucking glasses checked, four-eyes, I'm not his girlfriend," You say loudly.

"(Y/N), you wound my pride with yo haten," Nagisa says, clutching his chest as if he was really hurt.

"Whatever, insolent girl," Rei says before walking back over to the pool to continue swimming.

"Shitty four-eyes, with your stupid smarts," You huff and start to leave.

As you left, you heard Nagisa say, "I hate seeing you leave but I love watchin' you go."

"If you hate it, then why don't you follow and still get to watch me go?" You turn and say, smirking. Nagisa, who had been watching you ass as you left, smirked and followed, completely disreguarding his swim practice.

And that's done. Sooooo, is it bad if you are writing a oneshot and constantly being like what the heck am I doing? Bc that's how I felt the whole time I was writing this. Anyway, I hoped you liked this 50% off fans, vote and comment your opinions. :3

~Fab Chi

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