Chapter 57: Decks From Around the World

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Sanji blinked through the bright light, wondering what just happened as he tried to make sense of where he was this time. Damn... his head felt as if it had been hit by something heavy after having one too many shots. One hand on the side of his temple, he groaned out, "This wins first prize for the worse night ever... right guys?"

He expected an answer, but was taken aback when no one said anything. He opened his eyes, looking behind him for his crew, only realizing for the first time that he was alone.

"Nami-swan?!" he cried out in panic, practically spinning in circles as he tried to find them. "Robin-chan?! Where are you?!"

Still no answers. There wasn't anyone around him as far as he could see, or sense. He was alone in this bright light, trying to fight the stab of fear inside him. But then, another memory popped up and he stopped moving, just glaring ahead at what was next. No, he was trapped in more memories? What the hell else did they need to see? But he blinked and stared at where he was. He was on the Baratie again... only now it had gone under some major remodeling since last he saw it. It was huge, pilling high on different levels like a wedding cake.

Sanji stepped forward, trying to make sense of what was going on, staring at the building that had been his home for most of his life... until he spotted something—or rather someone sitting there on the deck.

"Old geezer?" he asked in astonishment.

It was Chef Zeff, looking a little bit older than he last saw him, but there was no doubt in his mind that it was him. The old man was sitting in a chair, reading a newspaper and not even bothering to turn his head to look at him.

"W-what are you doing here? What am I doing here? W-What's going on?!" Sanji spluttered out, wanting some answers here. But Zeff still didn't look up. Didn't even glance in his direction. Not that this was new... that was how Zeff always treated him. Whenever he asked a question, he would just downright ignore him, expecting him to figure out the answer on his own.

"Hey! It's me!" he said loudly at him. "You know! The brat who left this dump two years ago? The one you used to kick around? Come on! You think that you'd be a little bit surprised to see me here!"

But that was when he stopped ranting and looked up him in confusion. How was he here? This couldn't be another memory since the Baratie didn't look anything like this when he left, nor did they ever return. And where were the others? What was this? He was going crazy having all these questions but no answers.

Sanji looked back at Zeff and carefully reached out to grab his shoulder, but his hand went right through like smoke. So... this was a memory? He didn't know what to think... this whole night was just one big nightmare of questions.

"Hey boss!" yelled two familiar voices and he stopped dead to turn around and spotted them. A submarine burst out of the sea, with two very familiar people piloting it, and Sanji's jaw dropped open.

"Patty? Carne?!" Sanji yelled as he ran to the side of the restaurant's railing and stared at the sub. The one that Patty was in looked like a giant angler fish with the word 'Dessert' printing on the side as well as a small platform for people to stand on. There were two window hatches that served as 'eyes' for the sub and was with a domed roof with large metal bumps as well as a periscope.

He watched as they drove the sub straight to the side of the Baratie... a part that he hadn't noticed before and he felt steam coming off his own body at the sight of it. It was expanded from the main building, but there was a large model of his own godless wanted poster picture there. What the hell was this?!

Patty and Carne jumped to the deck and sprinted straight for Chef Zeff, who hadn't even bothered to look up until they were right at his side—running straight passed Sanji—proving that they couldn't see him either.

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