Epilogue: Enter Straw Hat Luffy

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Brook stood there for some time and watched over Luffy. He didn't know what to say... didn't know what he could say in a time like this. True to his word, they led him to the other side of the island where the graves had been and showed Luffy the hard truth. Luffy didn't say a word as he slowly walked right up to Ace's grave, staring at in in shock and unable to even bring himself to speak. He then sat down right in front of the stone monument and continued to look long and hard at it.

Some of the other Straw Hats went and gathered up flowers from the field and set them respectfully in front of Ace's grave, and even some for Whitebeard as well. Luffy still didn't react however, and finally, one by one, the Straw Hats realized that maybe he had wanted some time alone all along. They made up some random excuses before they turned and headed back to the Sunny, giving Luffy time to let this all sink in.

They would go, deciding that they would talk to Luffy when he was ready. But Brook stayed longest out of all of them. He remembered when he sat in front of the magnificent grave that Franky, Usopp, and Chopper worked so hard to build for his old crew. He knew that he couldn't hope to ask his new friends if they could take the remains of the Rumbar Pirates with them...

But he had always hoped that resting at Thriller Bark—land that was originally from their old home sea—would bring them a sense of peace. He sat in front of that grave, playing their favorite song to them one last time...

It hurt in so many ways, but it also felt good to know that they were finally free. That they didn't need to worry about him any longer, especially now that Captain Yorki reassured him that he shouldn't be feeling guilty any longer. He felt so much lighter, freer... happier than he had been for a long time. He wondered if Luffy-san was also feeling free after speaking with Ace. For though they all claimed to have meet with someone they lost while they were here... none of them went into details.

He understood though. For he wanted to hang onto that moment forever... to be able to see and speak with his old captain again was worth more than any treasure to him. Regardless of all the madness and heartbreak that happened on this island, he was grateful for that brief moment. More grateful than he could ever describe.

He was sure that Luffy felt the same way as well. But he could also only imagine what was going on inside his head at that moment, for how do you go from losing your beloved big brother to coming to terms... only to meet up with him one last time... and to suddenly discover the grave of that same person here?

It must've be so painful for him.

"Luffy-san?" Brook asked as he slowly approached him and sat down right next to him and looked up at the stone. The grave was worn and looked rather battered now that they were seeing it in the bright sunlight, showing that it truly had been two years since that horrific day. "I know that this is a stupid question, but... are you alright?"

"Yeah..." Luffy sighed in a way that did not sound like himself. "I just... didn't think that it would be here. I'm glad... I guess... I can talk to him again after all."

They sat together in silence for a little while, neither one able to think of anything to say. But Brook kept glancing over at Luffy as the memories that he had seen flashed before his eyes... not that he had any. Oh, but still... to see all that Luffy-san had done and sacrificed since he started on this journey fully made him realize just how lucky he was to have been chosen to be the musician on this ship.

So it only seemed right that he should start getting to work on the debt that he owed to Luffy. He raised up his violin and began to play Bink's Sake, but in a slow and sad tune that seemed to echo across the landscape.

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