Just A Warning

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If any one of you wants to RP with me or any of my friends, then may I highly suggest keep your evil OCs away. Like don't automatically have them come up to me from behind with a knife nor don't have any OC come up to my friends and taunt them. That friggin hurts, guys.

My friends like Sarah already has been through some serious joint. I promise, one more person that roleplays negatively like that....I will block. Not a threat, that's a promise. I have had it. Mess with any of my friends, you mess with me....And I ain't the one to mess with.

Sarah's already been through a lot and so have I. May my words be a final warning to anyone. Sorry for the vent, I just had to get my feelings out. I'm just tired of seeing comments on my stuff and my friends' things with something similar to "So-and-so: Aww! You're all alone! *Laughs*" or "????: *Walks up behind Sonic with a blade, about to stab him dead*"

Screw that! I'm done! Either roleplay nicely to one another, or don't roleplay with me nor my friends at all. Apparently, people don't know how to follow my roleplay rules and being negative is against them. And....I'm venting again. *Sighs* I'm starting to hate this place-

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