Meanwhile In Chun-Nan

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(Starring AbbeyFazbear as Spectra)

Me: *Battle ready*

Chip: *Battle ready*

Both: *Kungfu chopstick fight for the last dumpling*

Chip: *Le gasp* Look!

Me: *Looks around* Huh?!

Chip: *Struggles to break the dumpling free from my grasp*

Me: *Still looking around* Huh?! Huh?! Hehe! *Fights Chip again*

Chip: *Gets a tight holding grip onto the dumpling*

Me: *Tosses both him and the dumpling around*

Both: *Pulls onto the dumpling*

Dumpling: *Goes flying off our chopsticks*

Both: *Leaps after it*

Chip: *Pushes me away as he aims for it*

Me: *Falls over with a fatality*

Chip: *About to get the dumpling when....*

Spectra: *Catches it with her chopsticks, smirking* Hm!

Me and Chip: *Shocked that she caught it*

Spectra: Hm? *Looks at the last dumpling and thinks what to do with it*

Me and Chip: *Begs her to give it to one of us*

Spectra: *Gets an idea* Aha!

Me and Chip: Hm?!

Spectra: *Dunks the dumpling into her chicken and shrimp ramen and happily eats it* Mmmmmm!

Me and Chip: *Shocked as our jaws met the floor*

Spectra: Mmmm! Yum! *Walks away, whistling while carrying her bowl back to the kitchen*

Me: Uh....*Sees Chip landed in a nearby vase*

Chip: *Struggles to get out but his legs went in it too*

Me: *Smiles and laughs*


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