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I felt like my old self when I was with Jeonghan. We went to our favorite mall and walked around. Jeonghan insisted on buying things for me even though I objected every time. We wondered to the food court where I stopped. People happily eating delicious food like pizza, burgers, and fries. Humans sipping juices and sodas that taste oh so refreshing. But instead of salivating over the food, it was over the people that littered the building. A look of sorrow grew on my face.

I felt Jeonghan's presence next to me. He placed and arm around my shoulder to bring me back to earth.

"I know that it's really hard to adjust, but I promise you'll get used to your new...pallet." He said reassuringly.

I responded with a long sigh. I missed being normal. Life was so simple and I had control over it. Now I live by Jungkook's rules. I have to be seen a certain way to keep up an act to fool the coven.

"You know, I'm actually happy you're a vampire too now."

"Why?" I asked.

"I hated having to force myself to eat human food." He laughed and I followed suit.

He really forced himself to eat for three years so I wouldn't find out about him. That's major dedication. We strolled past the food court and headed for the exit.

Jeonghan suggested we visit the beach for a bit before heading back to the coven. We drove over there in his sleek black BMW. My eyes were glued to the window. I haven't seen the outside in weeks, or probably a month.

However, the longer I spent in the car, the more weak I began to feel. It makes no sense when I've already fed earlier. I can't be losing my strength due to thirst. A sharp pain in my chest bloomed causing me to lean over and clutch where my still heart is. Jeonghan took notice.

"Are you alright, Lili?" He asked. Panic was laced in his voice.

"N-No, I'm in pain and I feel drained." I strained out.

Jeonghan's eyes widened then went back to normal. He took a deep sigh and gave me an answer I didn't wish to hear. It looked like it even pained him to say it.

"It's the soulmate claim making you feel this way." He stated.

I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. Jeonghan beat me to the punch anyway.

"Before you say the soulmate claim is bullshit, I'll tell you that everything you heard about it is true. Straying away from your soulmate results in both of you losing your strength and eventually dying. When a vampire finds their soulmate they cannot separate at all. Remaining in contact increases their strength."

I let everything he said sink in. A question quickly arose with this information. If separating leads to pain and death, does that mean Jungkook wasn't going to set me free once he got what he wanted? I didn't want to hear the answer even though I already knew what it was.

Jeonghan looked hurt by my current state. He always cared about me more than any friend I've had. He'd panic even if I had a minor stomach ache. His eyes stayed focused on the road.

"I'll try to get us back to the coven quicker so you feel better. Hang in there for now." He said.

His voice was a little cold. Jeonghan stayed true to his word and started heading to the coven rather than the beach. Soon we arrived in front of the large estate. He got out of the car first and went around to open my door on the passenger side. He helped me get out and walk to the entrance. I felt the pain slowly fade away the closer I got.

A chill ran up my spine when we entered the vast estate. I felt normal and rejuvenated again but something felt off. I tried to shake it off in order to not stress out Jeonghan anymore. His head turned to me as soon as I thought of him.

"How are you feeling?" Jeonghan asked.

"I'm feeling much better. Thank you." I said with a small smile.

Jeonghan shot me back a smile and pulled me in for a side hug. I looked around to see if anyone was watching us. I have to keep up the image of being happy with Jungkook, so being overly friendly with Jeonghan regardless of him being my best friend is off limits. My best friend noticed what I was doing and tussled my hair with a smirk.

"There's no one in this room, Lili. Even if there were people, I would've still done it." He stated.

I narrowed my eyes at him both playfully and seriously. Jeonghan ran back to the car to grab our bags and returned to the spot he was previously in. I took some of the bags out of his hands so I could help.

"How about we get something to drink and then go to my room to do a little mall haul review?" He suggested and gestured to our bags.

I opened my mouth to respond, but my voice was replaced with another. One being my soulmate.

"That won't be necessary, Jeonghan." Jungkook stood at the top of the staircase with a mysteriously stoic look on his face. "I want to spend some alone time with MY soulmate, so hanging out in your room is out of the question."

Jungkook took confident strides down the steps with his eyes not leaving me. Fear arose in my gut knowing that I will for sure be in trouble. The vampire made it to the first floor and stood in front of me. His eyes wandered to the bags of clothes, shoes, and other things Jeonghan purchased for me in my hands. They were snatched out of my hands in a swift motion. Jungkook held them out to Jeonghan.

"Lili will also not need anything purchased from you. I have her taken care of." With that said, Jungkook dropped the bags on the floor and grabbed my wrist, dragging me up the stairs and to his room.

He tossed me in the room and slammed the door shut. He locked it before pulling me to him harshly. I whimpered and avoided meeting his fiery gaze.

"Now you're scared? You weren't earlier when you were trailing behind that brat! Look at me!"

I flinched at his booming voice and meekly met eyes with him. His face was in a mean snarl with his fangs out. His eyes seemed to glow a dangerous crimson hue.

"Don't you EVER embarrass me like that again!" He yelled.

Jungkook's hands went to my arms and held on to them as tight as a vice. It felt like my arms were going to break at any moment.

"Do you understand?"

I nodded frantically. His expression didn't soften. He wasn't satisfied.

"Use you're voice, Lili." He said.

"Yes, I understand." I croaked.

"I don't think you've fully learned your lesson." A smirk grew on his lips as he leaned in close next to my ear. "I think a little pain will whip you into shape."

As soon as he said that, his fangs pierced my skin ferociously. I let out a blood curdling scream due to the sudden pain. Jungkook harshly sucked my blood. He wouldn't stop regardless of my squirming. I felt myself feeling low and unable to keep my eyes open.

That day, I knew not to ever piss off Jeon Jungkook again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2020 ⏰

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