Mystery Boy

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"I'll see you tomorrow, Angel." I waved at my best friend as I walked out of H&M.

"Of course you will Lili. If I don't, I'll hunt you down." She joked.

"Get home safe." She added.


I exited the mall and walked to the bus stop. I wish I could just drive home, but my car is in the shop after I got into an accident a month ago. Angel usually would give me a ride, but she had to work later than me tonight. She felt really bad about it but I assured her that I'll be fine taking the bus home.

I'm starting to regret that now as I get this uneasy feeling. One reason being that I'm the only person here at nine o'clock in the evening, it's dark out, and the bus still has not come. If it doesn't come in the next thirty minutes, I'm going to walk.

I decided to kill time by scrolling through Instagram. Suddenly, the lights at the bus stop began to flicker. A cold gust of wind came out of nowhere. I put my phone in my bag and zipped up my jacket. That's it.

I stood up and decided to walk home. The only people on the street were drunk people coming back from the club and teenagers that thought they were all that. It wasn't them who I got the uneasy feeling from. I started to walk a little faster.

I should probably call an Uber for my nervous ass. I reach in my purse and pulled out my phone. Damn it, it's on ten percent. I stopped in my tracks when I heard a crunching noise nearby.

Curiosity got the best of me and followed where the noise came from. It was up ahead in an alley. I instantly knew I should run as soon as I stopped in front of the alley. There was a person in all black and had their face covered by a hoodie. The person's mouth was attached to a lady's neck.

The lady wasn't even alive. The person dropped her lifeless body into a puddle and made direct eye contact with me. All I saw were blood red eyes staring back at me.

Not today Satan.

I ran as fast as I possibly could in order to get away from whatever that dude was. I saw a cab and quickly hailed it over. I gave the man my address and he drove off. I sat in the backseat catching my breath.

I finally got home after what felt like forever. I texted Angel, saying I got home safely. I took a shower, braided my hair, and went to sleep.


"Sorry again for not being able to drive you home Lili." Angel said.

We were refolding the shirts before the store opened. I still couldn't get over what I saw last night. I kept telling myself that the red-eyed person was all in my head and I was just seeing things, but I couldn't. He was glued in my memory with the image of him biting that lady's neck.

"It's fine Angel, at least I got home safe right?" Barely.

"Yeah, but I can drive you home today."


I was mentally doing backflips. Walking home last night gave me the creeps.

"Girls, store's opening now." Lynn announced.

Angel and I went to the register and started work. The day went by pretty slow to our dismay. Angel started getting cranky until it was finally our lunch break. She ate three slices of pizza and was back to her normal self. I was kind of out of it.

We were now back to work while having a conversation with Bianca as well.

"Seriously Lili, why would you want to cut your hair so short? Why not just a little past your collarbone?" Angel asked.

"I just want a change, it's my hair anyways. Plus, I'm out of my parents' house so they can't have a say in it anymore." I said.

"I think she should go for it," Bianca chimed, "It's always good to try new things and see what you like and what you don't. I think Lili would look good with a pixie cut."

"Exactly, thank you Bianca." I high fived her.

"No problem."

"Next guest in line." I raised my hand slightly for the next customer.

I took off my glasses to wipe them off as the person put their items on the counter. All the person had were some shirts and a gray beanie. I looked up to see a cute boy with silky black hair that looked around my age. He had on a plain white T-shirt and a pair of intense eyes that stared into my soul.

"T-That will be $30.95." I said, stuttering slightly.

I quickly looked down and put all his stuff in a bag while he paid.

"You don't remember me?" The guy asked.

I laughed lightly while putting the receipt in the bag, not looking at him. "I don't know what your talking about. This is the first time I've ever seen you, sir."

I looked at him with a smile and handed him his bag. "Have a good day."

"Hold on one sec Princess, you mean you don't remember these?"

My jaw dropped in horror at what I saw next. The eyes I wanted to forget appeared right in front of me. This handsome boy was the guy from last night that killed that lady.

The one with the red eyes.

He grinned, amused at my reaction. No one else was aware of the fact that he has red eyes in a public place? Usually someone would make a loud outburst followed by several people taking pictures and posting it on social media.

None of that happened.

It was as if I was the only one that saw him. I didn't want to see him.

"Y-You need to g-go." I stammered.

"How about no." He said.

"Please stranger, if you're here to threaten me to not tell anyone what I saw, you don't need to worry. I-I promise I won't tell anyone. Just please leave." I pleaded.

My heart raced the more he was in my presence. How is nobody seeing this?

"No, you got it all wrong Princess, or should I say, Lili."

How the hell does he know my name?

"Lili? Who is that? Are you saying Lee twice? Is it a nickname for Jet Li? I don't know what you're talking about, my name is Gerald." I blabbered.

His grin disappeared. He leaned over the counter, getting even closer to me.

"Look Princess, you don't want to get on my bad side. I'm not leaving this mall without you, so I suggest you come now." He said.

I'm not going to let him order me around. Sure, he is scary but I can't let him know that. I quickly switch from being scared to sassy.

"I suggest you wait until my shift ends at nine then, my guy." I sassed.

He glared at me but quickly changed to a smirk. "I'll be waiting then."

He grabbed his bag and got out of line.

Oh lord, I just made a promise to a killer. How dumb am I? All I know is that if I don't meet him after work, I might suffer the same fate that poor woman in the alley did.

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