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At the police station

"Santiago, Sargent Brown is ready for you," one of the officers said as me and my mom followed him to the office. We walked in and he closed the door behind.

"Sit please," he spoke with his hands folded looking at us. We did as told and he looked down at some papers.

"Santiago, rules are set for you to stay in your guardians home, your curfew is 7pm. You may not go over no friends house, if you want to go to a store, your guardian has to be with you. And that blade collection you have, should never leave your home. Do you understand me?" He explained and I nodded. "Also your brace will be taken off until June 30th, I will allow it to be off as long as you follow rules and you turn your life around, meaning you need to go to summer school and get a job, you can only be homeschooled though," he added.

"Okay, so she'll be leaving off to her dad's in Florida today, is that ok?" My mom spoke. "If she's flying out there, we'll have someone with her, she has to be handcuffed," he explained.

"Um, have you heard of the name Jahseh Onfroy before?" I asked the office and he looked at me. "Yes, he is a boy who put his hands on a helpless female, he should be lucky he's out of jail," he replied. "Why do you ask?" He asked. "No reason, just asking." I responded.

"Well before you go, here's your brace, good luck trying to take it off," he said.  I grabbed the braced and put it around my left ankle. Me and my mom both got up and we were heading for the door. "I'll have someone waiting at the airport for you," he also said as we both headed out of his office.

10 hours later

"Santiago this is your stop," the man said as I opened my eyes and waited for him to open the door since I couldn't do it myself, but before he could get out of the car, my door opened, I looked to my left and it was my dad.

"Hey Bonnie," he greeted. I didn't say anything because I wasn't really in the mood, plus my hands are still cuffed. I looked over at Jahseh's house and I noticed that him and Stokeley were starring.

My so called babysitter walked in front of me and took the hand cuffs off of my hands. "I'll be watching you, and keeping your parole up to date," he said as he walked away, took my bags out of the trunk, got in the car and drove away.

"Need any help?" A familiar voice asked, I turned my head and it was.. "oh thank you Jahseh," my dad said as he grabbed a bag and headed inside of his house. "Well its nice to finally meet you face to face," Jahseh smiled. "Ditto," I replied as I grabbed one of my bags and he did the same and walked inside of the house.

"Hi, I'm Paisley and your room will be straight down the hall," he greeted as she told me where to go. "Hey Jahseh," she spoke and he nodded.

When we got to the room, I dropped my things off by the dresser and laid down on the bed. "Sooo, do you wanna go and hangout?" He asked. "Can't," I said as I pointed at my brace. "Damn," he spoke.

"What were the rules you were given?" My dad asked as he stopped by the room. Me and Jahseh turned around looked at him, "I can't go to no ones house, everywhere I go, my guardian has to be with me, my curfew is 7pm, and I also had a blade collection, I had to leave it at my home," I explained.

"Ok, well Jahseh if you want to stick around and get to know her, you may do that," my dad suggested. "But tomorrow can we talk about what back in JDH?" My dad asked and I nodded. He smiled and walked away.

"Sooo, whats your story?" Jahseh asked. I sat down on the bed and he sat next to me and looked at me waiting for me to respond.

"When my parents got divorced, I changed," I spoke. "I did a lot of crazy shit in my past, but do I regret it, definitely not," I added. "So why did you kill that guy?" He asked. "Him and my mom were in my room having sex, while I was in the hospital. Me and my ex boyfriend got caught doing drugs, well we were gone off it. When I finally woke up in that hospital, I asked where he was and no one told me anything, but I heard that he didn't make it." I explained. "All of this happened the day I was sent to Juvie," I added.

"What was Juvie like for you?" He asked. "Tough, I made a few friends, lost someone, and went through a hard time after it," I explained. I looked down at my hands and I felt my tear drop on my hands.

I used to be a tough bitch until I had that big ass dream and spent damn near my whole teenage years in juvie. I'm more depressed than I ever thought I would be, shits sad and fucked up. I just think about my death a lot more now.. I want to become better than what I was before, I'll forever be the katana slaying psycho queen, I just need to get my life together all around. I need a new look so no would recognize me and ask me so many questions about the murder I committed when I was 14 years old, I'm 18 now, that was my passed and I want to move on from it.

After sitting in silence for a minute, I felt his arms wrap around me and pulled me closer to him, I guess he felt my pain through the air. I cry everyday about the shit I went through and the shit I put myself through.

"Do you have a lawyer?" He asked me. "No," I responded. "Ok, I'll get you one and a manager," he responded. I sat up and looked at him confused. "Why are you doing this? We just met, we barely know anything about each other," I stated. "I'm willing to help someone I feel like I relate to, as much as my mugshot went viral, yours did too." He explained.

"Thank you, I wish I could repay you, but you know where I'm at," I told him. "Don't worry about," he replied. "Well its almost 7, I'll come over tomorrow and check up on you whenever I can," he said as he got up from the bed. I got up as well and walked with him to the front door, before he left, he gave me a hug and went to his home.

~ BONNIE ~ 𝓑𝓸𝓸𝓴 𝓣𝔀𝓸Where stories live. Discover now