Goodbye Party. |MICA|

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I stepped into my crowded doorway to the boys, Amelia, and that girl who was to excited for her own good. They looked at me confused, "H-eey, Guys," I tried to laugh off the awkwardness. "Whos this, and why is she going to be living here? ." "Oh, No offence," Amelia said turning and looking at Kiley. "C'mon, Guys, they need to talk," Zayn kissed my cheek before leading the boys out of my door.

"Mica, You cant leave,-" Amelia said as we sat on the couch. I explained everything to her. "Hey, Can i have this," Kiley appeared from the kitchen, holding one of Kiles ice cream jars. "Im Gunna eat it anyways," She plopped down beside me. "It wasn't your fault, Mica, ill tell her that," Amelia pleaded. "There's no use, Barbie, here as already been approved," I said referring to Kiley. The door swung open, and Louis came in carrying all of kisle's bags, Her face was excited and happy until she noticed Kiley, "Uhm.- " She sorta looked disappointed at kiley. Kiley didn't look to impressed either. "Hey Kisle, . How was the trip," Amelia tried to switch the mood. "Whos this?" Kisle ignored amelia's questioned. "And why's she eating my Ice cream?"Kisle said sort of hurt. Kiley's jittery self dimmed, "I'm doing you a favor, . . You dont need anymore Ice-" Kiley started to say, "Whoa there," I cover her mouth. "Lou, she'll call you later, We need to talk, so yeah, Bye!" Amelia sugar coated, telling Louis to leave. "Bye, Babe,. . Call me if you need anything," He said kissing kisle and then giving Kiley a dirty look.

"Sit," I pointed to the seat across from us on the couch for kisle to sit on. "I'm leaving, on Saturday," I spoke calmly. I gave her the whole back story, I come to terms with the fact that I'm just going to have to go. "Mica, Why are you so calm?" Amelia said frustrated. Kisle looked hurt. "Look, Girls, Its been fun!" I said trying to chill them. "Well, We cant let you leave with out a BANG!" Kiley said standing as she finished off the pint of ice cream. Kisle already looked annoyed. "I know some house party's that we can crash tonight!" Kiley said, "Your my kind of girl!" I said Standing and Doing a hand shake on the spot. "I'm In!" Amelia said. "With that leg?" Kisle said. "Nobody likes a Downer," Kiley said referring to Kisle. "Are you in or What, !" I said pulling kisles hand for her to stand. "I guess,!" She said worrily.

We were in East London. . Where the Rich Folk lived, I mean the big bucks folk! Not like living in the condos like the high school preps we were, but the , 32 cars, and a jet, people's side of London. We looked up at a tall mansion like place, "Ready Girls!?" Kiley said, walking through the doors, of the house. . Gosh this was over the top, this put my parties to sleep. People Popped bottles of champiege, Girls made out. . Guys recored it, "Heeeeeyyyyy," A guy stumbled over to us, drunk, "BYE." i shook my head to him, turing him and giving him a little push so that he was now walking the other way. Kisle and Amelia, looks so confused, "C'mon girls, Have some fun," I said, pinking up some red cups and filling them with punch. I knew the stuff was spiked though, so theyed be having a good time in no time! "C'mon, Amelia!" I grabbed her arm, dancing my way to the middle of the floor, i was going to give Kisle and Kiley some time to become friends, since they'd be stayin in the house together.

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