The Letter

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Ron Weasley had not been seen in Britain for over ten years. Unable to cope with all the grief, fame and heartbreak from the war he ran way to live in the USA. He cut off all contact from his family and friends, they reminded him of the nightmarish life he had lived during his school days. All he wanted was a quiet life. He got a job as a Auror in the American Ministry and had lived a pretty calm life ever since.

He never really had a proper girlfriend, they all ended up being small flings or one night stands. He couldn't find anyone just right for him. Besides he still yearned for the love of Hermione Granger. He spent their school years crushing on her, but she never seemed to reciprocate his feelings, she was always studying, doing homework or sneaking off to who knows where. Yet he still wanted her to love him, even after 10 years.

When he got the letter,

Dear Mr R. Weasley,

You are invited your graduating year's ten year reunion. It will take place on the 7th August at 6-11pm.


Neville Longbottom
Headmaster of Hogwarts

P.S. Please come Ron, everyone misses you and want to know what's happened to you.

he originally thought about turning down the invitation, he was, after all, satisfied in America and he didn't feel quite ready to face being back home again. But he had regret, he missed his family and most of all he missed Hermione Granger. He hoped she would come along too, he could finally tell her how he felt and live the rest of completely content.

Ron replied to Neville saying that he'd be there, and set about mentally preparing to see everyone he missed so much again.

A/N: Hi everyone, I know it's been quite a long time but I've finally gotten round to writing a new story. Some people have asked me for a sequel so here it is. I should be uploading a new chapter each week.



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