The Reunion

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Ron Weasley felt overwhelmed.

A sense of deja vu came over him. The Great Hall was exactly how he remembered it, the sky for a ceiling, lamps around the edges giving a very homely feel to the place. The house tables had been moved to the sides to create space for dancing and catching up. There were small groups of people dotted all over the place, hugging, animatedly remembering things from their school days and getting up to date with everyone's lives. He noticed with anger the group of Slytherins in the middle of the room, but decided to just ignore their presence for now.

Ron scouted the area for familiar faces and his eyes finally landed on a group sitting in the corner. Harry and Ginny were next to each other, holding hands and opposite Ron could make out what must be Hermione. She looked as pretty as ever, her long curly locks tumbling down her back, rosy red cheeks and a perfect figure. Ron felt so out of place, he had missed so much of everyone's lives and it seemed he was the only one who hadn't moved on in life, like he had been left behind.

He screwed up courage to go over to his old friends and slowly walked across the great hall, his palms sweating. He cleared his throat when he was standing behind them and they all turned round wide eyed.

Ginny was the first to react, she flung herself into his arms and started sobbing, saying how much she had missed him. Then she suddenly pulled away and said angrily in a very Mrs Weasley sort of voice,
"Where have you been Ronald Weasley! You left us with only a note, and you didn't even bother to write to us for ten years and now you're back at reunion acting as if nothing has changed."

Ginny was immediately calmed by Harry's hand in hers, and Hermione took her own turn in hugging him and saying how much she had missed him.

Ron sat down next to Hermione at the table and started telling them how he'd been in America, he worked as an Auror and no there were not any girls in his life but he hoped there would be soon, eyeing Hermione in the process. Hermione just coughed awkwardly and changed the subject. He learnt that Ginny and Harry eloped during the summer of the war and now had three children, James, 10, Albus, 8, and Lily, 6, though he was yet to meet them. Harry did sort of point them out to him though and Ron saw that James was hanging out with a very pretty blonde while Albus and Lily were playing with two pale brunettes and a younger looking blonde. Harry promised to introduce them later in the evening.

Everyone relaxed into each others presence over the evening and their table received a few visits from old friends, Neville and Luna with their daughter Evelyn and Seamus with his partner Dean Thomas. At least, Ron thought in his head, he wasn't the only single person in the room. Hermione had been awkwardly avoiding any questions about her love life although she did keep sending worried glances over at the Slytherin group. So Ron started his not so subtle advances on her.

He began by putting his arm round her chair, although Hermione quickly put a stop to that by claiming she wanted to go and get a drink and she'd be back in a minute. Harry just sat their looking a bit awkward, whispering to Ginny about something while continuing to eye him up. If Ron had been listening properly he would have heard Ginny replying,
"She's got to tell him herself, he'll take it better from her."

Hermione came back over from the bar with a drink and tried to make more conversation, but did so with a few nerves. Ron also noticed how she moved her seat a few inches from where it was before so it was now uncomfortable for him to rest his arm on her chair. He started to try brushing his foot against hers but she stopped that as well by crossing her legs.

Just then a crash sounded and three heads appeared from under a tablecloth. Ron noticed it was Harry's son Albus and his twin friends from earlier. Albus and his friends walked sheepishly over to their parents table and stood their with hung heads.

Ginny looked about ready to give the three a telling off but Harry touched her arm as if to say, "Save it for later." Hermione he saw looked a bit on the angry side too but he put it down to her knowing Harry's son very well.

Harry took the opportunity to introduce the children to Ron saying, "Ron, this is Albus my son and these are his two friends, Niko and Lotta Malfoy." Harry almost didn't finish his sentence before Ron's ears started turning red, steam almost coming out of his ears. He then proceeded to shout at Harry,

Lotta started crying and ran over to her father for comfort, seeing her mother and Harry restraining Ron from going over to give a piece of his mind to Draco.

Draco Malfoy just picked his daughter up and held her close to him whilst Ron wad still shouting at Harry,

James, Lily and Albus and the other three kids they were playing with, who Ron could now tell were Malfoy's kids, retreated and hid behind Hermione. The youngest blond also looked scared and he was clinging onto Hermione's legs. The elder one said to Hermione,
"Mummy why is this man shouting?"
"Some people just haven't got over their past beliefs Adi, there are still people who can't accept your father."

Ron turned even redder after hearing this and bellowed at Hermione, "WHAT DID SHE JUST CALL YOU!?"

To be continued...

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