Ronald's Reaction

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"YOU MARRIED MALFOY!?", Ron bellowed
"Yes Ronald, that's why we have four children together. State the obvious why don't you!", Hermione said exasperatedly, "what do you have against Malfoy anyway?"
"Honestly, you need to get past this house rivalry Ronald Weasley. You disappear for who knows how long, don't bother to keep in touch, then swagger in at our reunion, act like nothing has changed, insult my husband, my children and by doing so me and then accuse him of being a death eater. Let me tell you, my husband was never a death eater, I should know, we've been an item since 5th year. We never told you because we thought you might react like this, and we were right. You have not grown up at all and you don't deserve to be in our presence. Please go away before you upset my family and I even more."

With that Hermione span around and was about to walk out of the great hall hand in hand with her husband when she felt a strong hand on her shoulder. Ron grabbed her and before she knew what was happening he was forcefully kissing her. She was wiggling to try and free herself from his grasp.

Help came quickly though. Before Ron knew what was happening Draco and Harry had their hands firmly around his wrists and were pulling him backwards away from Hermione. 

Security guards took over and pulled a struggling Ron out of the hall shouting, "HE'S DRUGGED YOU HERMIONE. YOU LOVE ME NOT HIM!"
Hermione just replied, "I could never love you Ron. Get away from me and never come back. I'm happy with my life. I have a loving husband, four beautiful children. Some wonderful best friends. You're just not part of my life anymore. You couldn't be after what you've done. Go away, go back to America, find yourself someone else, live a happy life, I don't care. Just stay away from me and my family."

Ron just looked ashamedly at the floor and walked out this time not struggling from the grasp of the security guards.


Hermione never saw Ron again, but she did get a card by owl a couple of years later. It was a picture of Ron on his wedding day, looking happy and in love. It just said at the bottom, 'Thank you for giving me a wake up call, helping me to put myself out there and find love. I'm sorry for everything I said to you. From Ron"

Hermione smiled, she never wanted to see him again, but she felt happy that he had found love eventually.

It was September the first and she was just about to take her twins to the station for their first year at Hogwarts. Adria was just going into her third year, flourishing in all her studies, star chaser on the Gryfindor quidditch team alongside her best friend (and secret boyfriend), James Potter who played as seeker.

Hermione somehow thought that the twins would more likely be in Slytherin though, they did after all have a very sly side to them, and they did get up to all sorts of tricks. Albus, she was sure, would probably get placed there too.

Hermione was glad she still had the baby of the family, Astro, with her for just a couple more years, and then the house would be very quiet indeed with just her and Draco in it. Maybe they would have to try for another?

In fact, thought Hermione, she'd have to go and talk to Draco about it now.

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