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Amy walked further into the dark forest with her hands crossed over her chest.

She cautiously kept looking to the back, waiting for Michael to come fetch her or save her or something. Then she remembered that this is real life and Michael doesn't love her so why would he bother anyways?

She was starting to regret having to leave since she was walking alone in her vest and booty shorts. The weather wasn't even right for such clothes.

Sighing, she sat on a nearby rock and rested her head on the tree next to it. She honestly didn't care whether someone would come there and rape her or kill her. Her life was already over anyways, she didn't even want to live anymore.

Just as her eyes started to flutter shut, she felt herself being lifted. It obviously wasn't Michael since she hadn't heard any car noises approaching her. She was scared and started regretting her choice of getting raped or killed.

She started to kick her legs and manged to kick her abuductor's face. He growled in pain and let her go. She herself Was in pain and her abdomen hurt terribly. After a few groans, she hoisted herself up and ran-more like limped- away.

"A-Amy!" She heard from behind her. She turned around slowly and found.....Michael and-? Oh. Just Michael.

He was rubbing his jaw while he jogged up to her. "That hurt."

She shrugged in response. "You're weak. And plus you hurt me too."


"Let's go home. I don't feel so good. I need my mom."

"But you have me." Michael said in a low, calming voice, coming closer to her.

She shoved her hand  in his chest and pushed him away. "That's the problem." She turned her hand into a fist, grabbing a fistful of his shirt and started  walking away with him. "Let's go."

He followed silently and, once in the car, started the engine. "So, um was it my fault you're hurt."

Amy sighed and looked out the window. "Yeah. Both physically and emotionally."

Through the corner of her eye, she saw Michael nodded.


"Won't fix anything. So just leave me alone, okay?"

"Can I at least explain myself first?"



"Will you pay me to listen to your life story?"

"What? No."

"Yeah, then I won't listen."

He smiled. "So stubborn. I miss you."

Amy rolled her eyes. "Just drive."


Amy could feel Michael staring at her as she headed for her house door.

She turned around and rolled her eyes. "Do you want an invitation to leave or something? I'm already home."

Michaels smile dropped and he cleared his throat. "Um, nothing like that it's just. I'm waiting for.... something."

"From who?"

"You. Who else?"

She shot him a fake smile. "You're not getting a kiss because....ew, and you're not getting a thank you because you kidnapped me and I didn't even have fun."

"I can-"

"Good night!" Amy said before she was tempted to do anything.

Once closing the door behind her, she leaned against it with her hands covering her face.

'Why do you still have this effect on me Michael!?' She thought with a groan. She looked out of the window just to see him leaving.

She slowly went to her room and gently closed the door. She sat on the bed and rubbed her stomach.

"You know what?" She said to her baby. "I hope you're a girl, so that as you grow older, you'll remind me of....well me. But if you're a boy. You'll grow into the man his become, probably anyways."

She sighed. "Good night you." She said rubbing it for the last time before covering herself and going to sleep.

Finding Love AgainWhere stories live. Discover now