Chapter 15

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So.....its been a while. I get that, and feel kinda bad about it. I also get the fun fact that my notes for the next three chapters got deleted and I forgot what happened in them, so that's always fun (note the sarcasm). Anyways, things in life are starting to clear up, but I am also now in college, so yeah. Either way, here in the next chapter.

Slowly my eyes open blinding light piercing them and I groan in pain reaching for my head but I notice something keeping it from moving. I open my eyes more in pain and I look down at my left hand to see it bandaged and a hand gripping mine blonde hair tickling my forearm as Draco sleeps, I look to my right to see Theo and Blaise curled up on chairs, the sun bathes the room in early golden light. I laugh quietly as Draco mumbles in his sleep and snuggles my arm like a cat slowly Theo sits up stretching and I smirk, "So you and Blaise, huh?" Theo jumps and squeaks before turning his shocked face turning to an over joyed one, "Harry!!!" He shouts and hugs me tightly his eyes filled with tears Draco sits up quick and Blaise follows after a few grumbles. "Harry!" The shout in unison Draco Hugging my tightly Blaise gently clasping my shoulder while getting Theo to let go of me knowing that no matter what he promised Draco was not letting go anytime soon his grip around my waist was tight but not painfully so. "Good to see you guys to, how long was I out for?" And Theo rubs the back of his neck as Draco replies, "Two weeks, four days, and 13 hours." I just look at him in surprise but I relax knowing that Quidditch doesn't start for another five weeks and apparently three days. "I don't think I have ever been told a more exact time." I simply answer and Blaise smiles happily while Theo seems to relax and Draco Just rubs his head against my shoulder, "There was a chance you wouldn't remember us or what had happened in the last two weeks before you went under which frightened the hell out of every one so please don't do that again." Draco says his voice muffled by my shoulder.

They stay telling about how the first year were allowed to skip class and come visit me but if they were caught doing something else they'd have to re-sit that day's class, my brother and his gang had done it a number of times but Dumbledore just said that they were being adventurous and didn't have to re-sit the class though surprisingly Nevil often chose to saying it was actually easier for him to work with the teachers one on one then with the rest of the class. Draco jokes and laughs with us but he never let's go of my waist occasionally loosening or tightening his grip but never letting go. A bell chimed for the beginning of breakfast and Madam Pomfrey walked over us quick saying the boys could visit me later while shoving potions down my throat, slowly I sip back to sleep smiling at the others as they slowly leave they all just smile and wave back heading

Slowly Madam Pomfrey joins in Father's doting while Mother hugs Cia and I sit back down as Madam Pomfrey says, "Ahh yes very brave three stinging hexes to the stomach I would have passed out, so strong. You of course did no such thing so strong unlike your brother who passed out for three days with a broken arm and bruises on his rib because he can hold a broom properly." Brother lauickly down my chin as I fight to breath my mouth filled with sticky, drying blood the metallic taste hostile on my tongue but I'm too focused on my breathing to care. "Somebody get Madam Pomfrey!" A seventh year Hufflepuff shrieks out as she gently reels "Here." She hands me a piece of parchment and my eyes widen when I see what it isthen Slytherin pattern. Hurt each other in the line it's minus points!" With that everyone runs into the middle I end up forth behind Weasley in front of Granger, Cia is first with Draco behind him. Blaise behind Granger with Neville behind him woman alive at the time of the birth. We all know that the Weasley clan can barely afford plates let alone somethinwere you don't take points away from us then that would be enough for me but I'm not them. They want their stuff back I'll give up my wish if it means they can at least be happier." He finishes going from looking at us to the adults left in the room. Dumbledore opens his mouth to say something but Draco just speaks again.

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