Not Quite Famous

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(Luna's POV)

It's been a couple of days and Duncan has been watching me like a hawk. Luckily I spent most of my time with Courtney and Bridgette because they were really the only friends I had here. Now we are sitting in on bleachers in front of an amphitheater waiting for Chris to tell us our next challenge. I ended up sitting next to Duncan who was giving me a glare. "Are we gonna see a musical I love musicals especially the ones with singing and dancing." I heard Lindsey say as I watch Gwen sit beside Trent and Cody try to impress Gwen but failed miserably. "Welcome to our brand new, deluxe, state of the art, outdoor amphitheater. Okay this weeks challenge is a summer camp favorite a talent contest." Chris explains and everyone seemed pretty happy about it. "Each team has eight hours to pick their three most talented campers. These three will represent them in the show tonight sing, dance, juggle. Anything goes as long as it's legal." Chris says giving Duncan a pointed look and Duncan snaps his fingers as if to say 'oh shoot'. "You'll be judged by our resident talent scout. Former DJ, VJ, and rap legend grand , master Chef who will show his approval via the chef-o-meter. The team that loses will send one camper home tonight good luck." Chris says and then both teams went separate ways to prepare.

Sadie and Katie ended up going first doing a really bad dance but I'll give them credit for auditioning and putting their heart into the dance. Their dance ended and I think my whole team was disturbed by it. Next up was Tyler doing tricks with his yo-yo and he just ended up getting tangled up by the string. "Please tell me he's not in." I whisper to Courtney and she just nods her head saying he wasn't. "Man that is weak." Chris said walking by us. I then stood up and turned to my team. "So who's next?" I ask looking at my teammates. "I'll go I just need to change." DJ says and quickly goes and changes into a white gymnastic outfit. DJ ends up doing a ribbon dance and at the end of it I'm very impressed and clap along with everyone except Courtney.

"You should totally be in the talent show DJ it takes a lot of practice to get the ribbon dance right." I say complementing him. "Fine sign him up next." Courtney says reluctantly. "Me I can stand on my hands for twenty minutes watch." Bridgette says and then does a hand stand beside DJ. "Okay that'd be cute if you were a monkey. I just don't think it's quite what we're looking for next." Courtney says looking bored and Harold goes up to audition but he's not even given a chance.

//Okay I think Courtney's being a little to harsh and critical when it comes to choosing people for the talent show. She didn't even give Harold a chance.//

After that we were given a small break and I was over talking with Bridgette down by the beach. "So are you going to audition?" Bridgette asks and I just look towards the water. "I'm not sure because I don't know what I'm going to do for the talent show." I answer looking back at her. "It was very brave of you to try and audition for the talent show even if you didn't get in." I tell her before Courtney rounded our team back up to continue with the auditions.Courtney auditioned doing a beautiful violin solo and then Geoff did some awesome skateboard tricks.. "So I guess it's Geoff, DJ's ribbon dance, and your solo." I say to Courtney. "I'm going to be on TV man!" Geoff exclaims happily. "You're already on TV Geoff." Bridgette points out as I simply smile at Geoff's enthusiasm. "Oh yeah. Hello out there dudes!" Geoff cheers happily.

I walk back into the cabin and pull out an old book that I had for years. I opened the book and inside were all my songs that I had written and sang in competitions over the years. It made me really wish I auditioned for the talent show when I had the chance. "Luna we're all going over to the amphitheater want to join us?" Bridgette asked poking her head into the cabin and I smile closing my book. "Sure I'll be out in one second." I say and put my song book back into my backpack.

We were all at the amphitheater and I was helping Courtney practice with her violin. "That sounds great Courtney." I tell her and she smiles at me. "Thanks and thanks for the tips Luna. Do you play?" She asks as she tunes her instrument. "Yeah I do I've been playing the violin for about ten years now." I answer almost wishing I brought my instrument with me. I then let Courtney practice in peace and went to down off the stage. Only to see Bridgette walking on her hands and her foot got tangled in some rope. But when she tried to free herself she ended up sending a stage light down and it crashed onto Courtney. "Oh crap." Bridgette said and I quickly ran and grabbed a nurse.

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