Search And Do Not Destroy

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(Luna's POV)

I woke up the next morning to only be flung out of my trailer by a cannonball and the landing actually hurt. "Ow what just happened?" I ask myself and turn around to see the new trailer in pieces and flames. I'm just thankful that I wasn't badly injured and that I left all my important stuff in the girls cabin. "Looks like it's back to sleeping in the girls cabin." I say to myself before beginning to walk back to the cabin. I have to admit that I'm a little sad that I have to share a cabin with Heather but the other girls I don't mind bunking with.

"Arr mateys meet me at the amphitheatre in five minutes and I'll tell you about todays challenge." Chris says through a loud speaker and I just change direction from heading to the girls cabin to heading to the amphitheatre and sit down beside Gwen. "What happened to you Luna you're covered in soot?" She asks concerned and I just sigh before explaining to her. "Let's just say thanks to Chris I'll be moving back to the girls cabin after this challenge." Gwen looks surprised. "Cool sorry you have to put up with Heather like the rest of us." She plainly states as Chris walks on stage wearing a pirate costume with a fake parrot on his shoulder.

"Well my little scallywags have we got an adventure in store for ye." Chris says in a fake pirate accent as he fixes his fake parrot. "What's under the sheet?" Geoff asks as we all look at Chris with anticipation. "All in good time laddie. Who here has a hankering for a good old fashion treasure hunt?" Chris asks as Gwen groans and rolls her eyes. "Now this treasure hunt has got a twist matey's. What you're looking for isn't hidden and it isn't treasure." Chris explains and I see Duncan looks disappointed. "If there's no treasure then what's with the eye patch and plastic parrot?" He asks and I have to wonder the same thing. Chris throws away the parrot and says "Shiver me timbers good question my boy. You're looking for keys to a treasure chest." He pulls out a rusty key as Chef pulls back the sheet revealing treasure chests.

I look at the chests in realization. "Let me guess inside the treasure chests contain useful or useless items that we can keep and one contains invincibility." I say with a shrug and Chris smiles and nods and Chef looks surprised that I figured it out. "That's correct you landlubber. Now come round and pull a clue out of this bucket or you'll have to walk the plank." Chris exclaims good naturedly and we all quickly run up to the bucket and pull out a peace of wood containing a clue. I notice mine had a picture of a beach.

"These clues will tell ye where your key be stowed." Chris says still talking like a pirate. "Ah what a bear?!" Owen asks confused and scared. "I was hoping you'd get that one dude." Chris says dropping the accent before turning to Heather. "Haha Chef's fridge. Nice I hear he brushes it daily for fingerprints." Chris says before turning to Geoff and sees what card he got. "That there is the septic tank. For the washrooms." He says as well all walk back to our seats.

"All you scallywags go find your keys and bring them back by six p.m. Eastern Standard Time to open up your chest and get your loot!" He exclaims in his pirate accent and we all head to find our keys.

//I have to say this might be pretty fun and mine seems like one of the easiest and the hardest would have to be Heathers and I hope karma gets her for all the cruel stuff she's done to all of us//

I walk to the beach and look around trying to find my key but so far no luck. "Where could my key be?" I ask myself before kicking a shell and a rusty key fell out of it. I picked it up and blink in surprise. "Well that was easier then expected." I say and then walk off to see how the others were doing.

I couldn't find any of the others so I ended up heading back to the cabins only to meet up with Gwen. "Hey Gwen did you find your key?" I ask walking up to her. "Yeah I did Trent helped me out and now he wants to meet at the dock of shame at 5:00 tonight." Gwen says happily showing me the letter and I look at it. "Maybe he wants you too officially become his girlfriend." I says encouraging her. Gwen smiles "That would be so cool not that I care or anything." She says trying to act like she doesn't care but I can tell she really likes Trent. I smile at her "I want you to give me all the details whenever your done at the docks." I tell her and then walk into the woods to think about some new lyrics and life in general.

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