Who Can You Trust

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(Luna's POV)

So apparently all the girls helped the guys admit Harold's guilt. I was grateful that I wasn't involved because pranking isn't really my thing. I spent majority of the day off with Courtney just talking about our lives back home and why the reasons we came onto the show. Now we were all standing in the Main Lodge receiving breakfast from Chef.

"Today's breakfast is Hawaiian, Italian fusion casserole." Chef says to Gwen handing her the tray of slop. "You mean leftovers from the cooking challenge." Gwen says looking at Chef. "Yeah that's right do you got a problem with that!?" Chef yelled in a very familiar military tone. "Sir no sir." Gwen responds saluting and heads to her table as Chef salutes back before looking at me. He had been doing that a lot lately watching me creepily. He puts a good amount of the fusion slop on my tray and then shoos me away. I go sit down beside Courtney and watch DJ feed his pet bunny and feel very disturbed afterwards because of the way he did it.

I look over to Duncan who put coffee in one mug and then put the other mug in his pocket and then acted like he didn't do anything wrong. To bad for him because Courtney saw it too. "I saw that. How could you just steal a mug?" Courtney asks looking quite upset. "Cuz it's cool looking and I don't have one. I didn't have one that is." Duncan answered smirking taking a seat next to me. "Aren't you worried you'll get kicked off?" I ask just a little concerned for my friend and Courtney looked a little worried. "Oh and here I thought neither of you cared about me." Duncan said smirking. "We're one player short and I don't want to lose because you feel like going all criminal on us." Courtney states glaring a little at him. "Whatever you dig me." He says still smirking. "Ugh why do I even bother." She states walking away angrily and part of me wanted to be a good friend and go help her calm down but Duncan forced me to stay. "Why do you care about me stealing a mug?" He asks giving me a concerned look and I give a friendly smile. "I don't you're my friend and I don't want you to be kicked off over a mug." I tell him before getting up and going after Courtney.

//For those of you who think I have a crush on Duncan you're wrong he's just a friend and that's it he'll never be anything more. Besides Immortals can't date mortals.//

It took me half an hour to calm Courtney down and then we walked to the docks and joined our team wondering what the challenge will be today. "So last challenge exposed a few Gopher issues and I'm sensing a funky floating in the Bass pond too." Chris said and I saw the girls on the Gopher team glaring at each other and then Courtney shoved Duncan away from her. "So this weeks challenge is going to be centred around building trust because all good things begin with a little trust." Chris explained and I look at all my teammates.

//I think my team will be safe in this challenge because everyone on the Gopher team is arguing with Heather. But I should never underestimate the other team.//

"There will be three major challenges that will have to be completed by two or more members of your team. Normally we like to have the campers choose their partners but not this time. More fun for me." Chris says and we all head to a cliff on the side of a mountain. I sigh I'm really not going to like these challenges because they involve trusting someone potentially with my life and I'm not good at trusting people like that. "Luna are you okay you look a little pale?" Bridgette asks and I just smile. "Yeah I'm fine just nervous about these challenges and who I might get paired up with." I answer with a nervous smile. "Okay so for the first challenge you'll be doing an extreme freehand rock climbing adventure. DJ and Duncan will play for the Bass. Heather and Gwen for the Gophers." Chris said and I saw Gwen sigh sadly as Chris tossed the gear. "Here's your belay and harness." He said and Heather took both away from Gwen glaring at the girl. "Hey what's your damage?" Gwen asks her and it makes me wonder what Heather's problem is. "If you think I'm letting you hold me up you're nuts." Heather replies rudely looking away from Gwen.

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