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NOVEMBER 6, 1983

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NOVEMBER 6, 1983

Amanda's day started off just like everyone else's. It was a drowsy Sunday morning and she wanted nothing more than to hide under her covers until Tuesday. She had a presentation tomorrow about the importance of recycling in her Science class and she absolutely hated presenting.  The majority of the kids at Hawkins Middle were mean and she didn't want that on top of her already nerve-racking assignment. And so she hid.

     She eventually came out of hiding when the scent of chocolate chip pancakes wafted up to her room and made their way into her nostrils. After stirring around for a little bit, she got out of bed and went down the stairs to meet her mom.

     "So I see you've finally made it out of your cave," her mother Linda greeted her, kissing her forehead before serving her pancakes. "Don't worry. I'm gonna go back as soon as I'm done with these." Amanda began to shovel in some of the pancakes past her lips, chocolate starting to cover the edges of her mouth. "Slow down, champ. You're gonna choke if you keep stuffing yourself like that," Linda warned her as she set down a glass of milk.

     "Mom, I don't wanna go to school tomorrow," Mandy started after she swallowed down her milk. "Now why is that?" Linda asked her, intrigued to hear her daughter's response.

     "I have a presentation in Science tomorrow and I don't want to do it. I don't like presenting and all the other kids are gonna make fun of me."

     "Now why would they make fun of you, honey?"

     "Because my voice shakes when I have to speak in front of people and I feel like I can't breathe sometimes."

     "Well, everyone gets nervous when they have to speak in front of a crowd. That's normal, darling," Linda assured her. Amanda picked at the crumbs on her plate. "It doesn't feel normal," she grumbled.

     Linda sighed. "All I can tell you is that the only way out is through and that there's no other way to do it than to do it, alright?"

     Amanda nodded and sat back so her mother could get her plate. "I'm gonna go back to my cave."

     "You do just that, Fred Flintstone." Linda chuckled as she scraped off the plates before placing them into the sink. She let out a long sigh and made a plan to talk to Amanda's Science teacher after school tomorrow about the kids in her class bullying her.


Amanda spent the rest of her Sunday preparing for the inevitable because the only way out was through, right?

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