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The two of them must've eventually made it back into the house at some point because Amanda was startled awake on a worn down couch when Will ran out of his room, screaming, "Mandy! Code red! We gotta go!"

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The two of them must've eventually made it back into the house at some point because Amanda was startled awake on a worn down couch when Will ran out of his room, screaming, "Mandy! Code red! We gotta go!"

    "Where are we going?" Amanda sat up with urgency as she watched Will shove on his shoes that were by the door. His mother would have his head if she knew that he was tracking water around the house in his wet sneakers. However, he seemed to be feeling better after last night's sob session. 

    "We're going to Mike's."


"I didn't think it was anything at first," Will explained. "Then there was the piece of the Mind Flayer that attached itself to me out on the field. And then my mom burned it out of me. But what if that piece of him is still here? With us?"

"So the Mind Flayer is definitely back," Amanda concluded. "Well, duh," Mike piped up in a no shit, sherlock tone, "or else you wouldn't be here."

"There is the possibility that I could be here on my own accord. How? I don't know. But it's possible." Amanda gave him a look, challenging him. Mike took a few steps back, signaling his surrender.

     "Who are you talking to, dingbat?" Max looked at him incredulously. Right. Max didn't know that Amanda was here, let alone know her. "Uh, Max," Mike coughed awkwardly, "meet Amanda Schwartz. She went missing the same day as Will. You can't see her, but she's there."

"Is she like a ghost or something?" Max walked around to where Mike was pointing to Amanda and stood in front of her, which looked like nothing coming from Max's point of view. "Get the radio?" Amanda asked Will. Will nodded and went to go fetch Mike's radio from his room. When he came back, he turned it to channel six and let the static flow through. Amanda then closed her eyes and turned the radio on in her head.

"Hi, Max," Amanda spoke, which sounded strange to hear when she heard her voice come from the radio. Max's eyes widened at her voice. "What the hell?" she whispered. "Weird, I know. Crazy, right?" Amanda giggled. "I think the only reason you can't see me is because you haven't encountered the Mind Flayer. Not yet, at least."

Max's eyes widened a little more. "That's not possible."

"We're talking about getting a monster out from our dimension back into his own and you think talking to ghosts isn't possible?" Amanda's tone went flat and sassy and Max raised her brows. She turned to look at Will, who shrugged. "I know. Surprised me too."

"I can see her," El finally piped up. She got off the couch and went to go stand in front of Amanda. "Did I do this to you?"

"Kind of?" Amanda said, her pitch getting higher near the end of her question. "It wasn't really your fault, per se. Well, it kind of was because you're the source of all this chaos but — mmph!" Mike's hand came over her mouth as her babbling was starting to head in the wrong direction.

AS ABOVE, SO BELOW (BENEATH HIS FEET) | STRANGER THINGS ✓Where stories live. Discover now