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Amanda shut off the radio in her head when she saw her mom leaving the store and heading towards her car to go home

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Amanda shut off the radio in her head when she saw her mom leaving the store and heading towards her car to go home. She opened the door to her car and Amanda was quick to climb into the backseat. She didn't know if she could open doors without freaking people out so she played it safe and waited for someone else to open the door.

     Her mother let out a sigh and started the trip back to her house.


"Took you long enough. Almost thought you just about died in there or something," Mike commented once Will emerged from the bathroom. Will just shrugged. "So? I drank a lot of water. Gotta keep my hydration up."

     "It almost sounded like you were talking to someone. Does Will Byers have a crush?"

      Yeah, I do. But you'll probably think it's weird, Will wanted to respond, but he didn't dare to because he didn't want to have that conversation just yet. He was already working with the fact that he wasn't entirely into girls, and he didn't want to have a most likely ruined friendship on top of that.

"What? No," he scoffed instead, wondering where Mike was pulling this from. "Were you talking to the wall again?" asked Mike, tilting his head to the side like a confused puppy.

     Will rolled his eyes. "That was one time, okay? One time. Mind you, I'm still recovering."

"You're right," Mike sighed, "sorry."

"It's okay," Will accepted his apology and took a look around the room. "Where's everyone else?"

"They've already headed to Starcourt. I told them I was gonna take my bike with you."

"Oh." Will deflated a little, remembering that they were supposed to have their DnD campaign later today and he hadn't set anything up yet. "Okay."


The second Amanda's mother opened the door to her house, Amanda ran into the living room to see that the memorial was still there, meaning that it's been there since last year. That couldn't have been good.

She was then quick to run up the stairs to her room to see if anything had changed. To her surprise, everything was the same — nothing was packed up, nothing was put away. Everything was the same, just as she had left it. Going over to her bed, she looked at the outfit she had prepared for her presentation on Monday. It was a pirate sort of top with her corduroy pants and her nice boots.

She picked up the top and felt the frills between her fingers. Looking down at her soiled clothes, Amanda wondered if she could change out of them. But before she could test her theory, her mother came into her room and took a seat at her desk.

"Oh, Manda bear," she started, looking out the window and letting out a breath, "I know you're still out there, alive and breathing. It may seem impossible to some people, but you're a fighter. You got that from your dad. You're a real tough cookie."

AS ABOVE, SO BELOW (BENEATH HIS FEET) | STRANGER THINGS ✓Where stories live. Discover now