"Scary Movies" 4/4 (Imagines)

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Luke: You were in the middle of watching The Shining when you desperately needed a drink.

"Luke, I'm gonna go grab a drink. Do you want anything?" you ask, getting out of his grip.

"Nah I'm fine," he replies with his eyes glued on the TV.

You walk into the kitchen and open up the fridge looking for a coke or a beer. When you find your drink you become distracted by how messy the kitchen actually was and started cleaning.

In the middle of cleaning you noticed that there was no sound coming from the lounge room.

"Luke?" you called out.

There was no response. Okay this has got to be a prank.

"Luke, I swear to god this isn't funny," you swallow, grabbing a spatula.

As you exited Luke jumped our from behind the wall. You screamed but in the process ended up punching Luke in the face. Luke fell to the fall as his hands flew to his face.

"Oh my god Luke! Are you okay?" you try to hold in a laugh.

"Stop laughing," he groans.

"I'm not," you laugh.

"I hate you," he mutters, rolling onto his side and hugs his knees.

You laugh, kiss his cheek and make your way back to the living room.

Michael: You could feel his grip tighten around your waist as the suspenseful music started to get louder.

"Awww is Mikey scared?" you teased

"Pfft no" he rolled his eyes.but his eyes were screaming out "help"

You giggled at him and turned your head back to the screen only to be greeted with a jump scare

"HOLY SHIT" he jumped and you'd be lying if you said you didn't jump with him as well
Michael could practically sense the smile on your face

"Did you just...scream?" you looked at him faking a shocked expression.

"No, Michael Clifford does not "scream"," he grumbled.

"You're such a baby Michael" you laughed

"Hey you jumped too"

"Okay okay you win" you giggle, giving him a kiss on the cheek

"Baby" you whispered trying to annoy him.


"How do you scream that high?" you grinned.

"I hate you," he whined.

Calum: "I got the popcorn!" you yelled running over to the boys at the back of the movie theater. You quickly sat next to your boyfriend Calum
"Ready?" You asked Luke offering him some popcorn

"Shhh the movies about to start," He whispered back grabbing a handful of the popcorn.

"Oh I see, using me for the popcorn"

As you were about halfway through the movie Calum was on the edge of his seat leaning forward with his mind concentrating on every second of the movie. Was he scared? Definitely. You decided this would be a great time to mess with him. You creeped your hand around his shoulder the quickly tapped and put the hand straight back in your popcorn.

"Luke don't do that," Calum turned to him angrily
"Do what?" Luke whispered

"You know wha!t"

"Uhh no I don't,"

You couldn't help but laugh at their pointless bickering.

"It was you wasn't it (Y/N)," Luke said turning to you

"Maybe," You teased smiling earning a laugh from your boyfriend

"Oh so you don't get mad at her," Luke replied with with his hand over his heart.
"I'm so offended," he joked

"(Y/N)'s allowed to do that because she's cute," Calum said resting his hand around your shoulders. "And she has popcorn" he continued cheekily.

Ashton: "That movie has to be one of the scariest movies I've seen," Ashton commented as he got up from the couch.

"Babe? Hello? earth to (Y/N)?" Ashton said waving a hand in front of your face.
"Hey you okay?"

"Sorry," You replied "I just zoned out for a bit,"

"You're scared aren't you?"


"Aw you're so cute. Don't worry you got Smash here who will protect you from all the bad guys" He laughed as he sat back down on the couch with you.

"Let's watch a Disney movie to get your mind off things," he said putting his arms around you as he flicked the remote to see what movies were available to rent.
"No, I'm really tired Ash," you yawn.
As you guys get ready for bed, you head into the bathroom to brush your teeth. As you bend over the sink to clean your face someone puts their hand around your mouth and waist and laughs demonically. You scream in panic and try to wriggle out of their grip until you realise it's only Ashton.
"I freaking hate you," you yell, slapping his arms and chest.
"Okay okay, I'm sorry babe," he chokes out.
You roll your eyes jump into bed turning off the lights.
You feel the bed sink as Ashton got into bed with you.

"Baaaaaaaaabe," Ashton whined for attention

"What do you want now?" you laughed

"Please forgive me?" he pleaded.

"Of course" you said softly kissing his nose.

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