5sos Preference You Fight With His Ex & He Defends Her

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5sos Preference You Fight With His Ex & He Defends Her

You didn't have a problem with Ashton's ex-girlfriend, in fact you'd always considered her a good friend of yours so that was why it came as such a shock when she started attacking you. Ashton had just left the room to get you a drink when you felt a tap on your shoulder, Ashton's ex staring you down intensely.
"What the hell?" You shrieked as she suddenly threw her drink in your face, the alcohol burning your eyes and blurring your vision. You stumbled forward in shock, accidentally bumping into her and sending the both of you tumbling to the floor with you on top of her.
"(Y/N), what the hell are you doing?" You felt confused when Ashton shoved you off of his ex, helping her up and glaring at you like you'd committed a crime. "Why were you trying to hurt my ex? Are you jealous or something?" (H/Ex/N) faked tears, giving exaggerated whimpers as she cradled her face in her hands.
"I don't even know what happened, I accidentally spilled my drink and she flipped out. She just attacked me out of nowhere." You scoffed loudly at her blatant lies, there was no way Ashton would believe that. He knew you weren't a violent person... right? Wrong, apparently, he gave you one last glare as he helped (H/Ex/N) out of the room.

"I just can't believe you would do something like that, (Y/N), what were you thinking?" Calum seethed, dabbing at the cut on your lip with a wet washcloth. You rolled your eyes, breathing deeply to keep from bursting into tears at both the extreme pain in your body and also at the fact that Calum chose to believe his ex over you.
You'd been at a bar with Calum and when he'd left to get more drinks his ex girlfriend had tackled you to the ground and started to punch and kick you violently. That was why your lip was cut and you had a black eye, plus some nicely bruised ribs. "For the last time, Calum, she attacked me. Why would I try to hurt your ex? She doesn't have anything I want."
Calum didn't answer, putting some ointment on your lip before stepping away from you with a still angry expression. "I don't care that you tried to beat her up, (Y/N), I just care that you're blatantly lying to me about it." You tried to object but his harsh glare silenced you once again, your lips quivering as you fought back unshed tears. "I'm going to go call (H/Ex/N) to make sure she's alright, no thanks to you."
Calum left the room and you let the tears fall. Did Calum really think that low of you? Did he honestly believe that you would stoop as low to attack his ex unprovoked?

"Would you quit lying to me? I know you did it (Y/N), how else would she have gotten those bruises on her face?" Luke practically shouted, tugging at his hair as he grew more enraged with you. You were more than confused with what Luke was saying, he'd stormed inside claiming that you'd beaten up his ex when you'd never even met her before and couldn't tell him the first thing about him.
"Maybe she got in a fight with someone else? Luke, I don't even know what this girl looks like!" Luke cackled bitterly at that, shaking his head like you were speaking utter bullshit.
"Then explain the bruises on your knuckles, (Y/N)," You gaped at him in shock. Luke had watched you get those bruises, you'd gotten them from the short boxing lesson he'd given you a few days ago. You couldn't find the words to say, too shocked with his blind fury to think.
Suddenly he was putting on his shoes and coat, muttering angrily to himself as he made his way to the door. "It doesn't even matter anymore because we're over, I can't even look at you right now." You were left to cry in silence as he walked out, obviously going to comfort his ex over something you hadn't even done.

Michael wrapped his arms around your torso, pulling you off his ex forcefully and straining to keep you away from her. He was shouting at you to calm down but you couldn't bother to listen to him, to angry to care that she could barely even stand on her own from the force of your punches.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" He shouts at you once you're in the car, driving home. You shrug, not feeling the need to reply. She attacked you and she should know to mess with people her own size. "Why would you just attack her like that?"
"Me? Attack her?" You scoffed, looking at him in shock. "She came at me, I just defended myself." You grumbled, turning away to avoid seeing the disappointed look on his face.
"(Y/N), she has to go to the hospital. You broke her nose, do you really want to try and lie that it was self defense? Self defense is pushing someone away, not causing them to need plastic surgery." He countered, parking the car in your driveway but making no move to get out of the car so you could both go inside. "Just, go inside. I'm going to the hospital to make sure she's okay." He didn't even tell you he loved you, ignoring you until you shut the car door before he pulled out of the driveway and sped off to the hospital.

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