Chapter 3: THE TRUTH

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Legacy POV
She looked at me with an expression that said 'what the hell are you doing here'  but I was shocked. I couldn't just sit there and look at her , ive spent my whole life without a mother and on top of that got beat every day because what gender and who I liked.

Soon enough I walked out the front door in tears, but I felt someone grab my arm and turned around to see the stud...... i really need to learn her name.....

When we walked through the door and the girl yelled out mom all of a sudden I was confused, after a while she walked out and I went after her.
When she felt me grab her arm she turned and when she looked at me I felt my heart break seeing her cry. I was confused on why but put it to the side and asked her was she okay.
"Are you okay?"I asked
"NO!!!!.........I'm sorry it just hurts"she said
"Why did you just call her mom"I asked
"Okay let me explain, That's my mother in that kitchen. I thought she died, I spent all my life without a mother and got beat for 7 years until I fell asleep. Now I'm walking in some stranger's house and she's standing in your kitchen."she said
"Well you should at least let her explain" I said

Legacy POV
When she said that I snatched out of her grip and said
"I'll give her 15 minutes thats it" I said
And she ran back in the house and came out with my mother, and I rolled my eyes and she immediately started talking.

"Okay let me explain, Before I was pregnant with you your father abused me. Soon enough he raped me, and I got pregnant with you. He stopped beating me while I was pregnant but as soon as you came he continued, he wouldn't let me get a job, go to the store, barely even let me walk out the front door. Until the one day he had a business trip and didn't want me to go because of my bruises and cuts, but he took you with him. So I packed all my things and took the biggest risk of my life, leaving you. After I packed I grabbed his keys and took his car and drove and hour away and crashed his car. I was injured but I begged the doctors to tell him I died. When they told him I went and stayed with my best friend, Ki's mom and after a while she got cancer and told me if she died to take care of Ki as I did. Not a day went by where I didn't wish I was with you and I planned to see you in a couple of months on your 18th birthday. My plan was to take you and bring you with me but then you came here." She said while crying

I looked into her eyes to see if she was lying and she wasn't and I broke down crying even harder and hugged her. I told her how dad started beating me because of my sexuality, and she told me I could live with her and Ki (the stud from the bus).

A week later Ki's POV
Me and Legacy have been hanging out lately and I've grown to like her today we are going to the mall so I went and got dressed.
I put on a black beater and some black pants and threw my dreads in a messy bun, I grabbed my keys, phone, and wallet and walked down stairs to wait on legacy.

30 minutes later
Legacy walked down stairs with with a red and navy blue sweater and some black pants. I couldn't help but stare, the things I could do to her. Did I mention I like her😁. I was brought out of my thought when legacy started snapping in my face saying let's go. So I grabbed my stuff and we headed to the mall.

Next chapter will have them at the mall 🤪
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