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Legacy POV
She just stared at me in shock. I don't get why it's so hard to believe she different from everybody else and I like that about her.

"Your moans are cute" I said and she started blushing. I just looked at her and then said
"Don't be shy now" I said chuckling, she looked at me and said

"Shut up. I've never been dominated nor will I be again not by a kiss, not by head, and definitely not strap!!."she said

"We'll see." I said and she just pulled off, and I mean quick she didn't even give me a chance to put on my seat belt

We got to the house and Ki got in the shower. While I went to my room, I was trying to go to sleep but I couldn't. I've been having dreams about my dad lately and I didn't tell Ki. I heard the shower cut off and her music stop I waited a good 30 minutes and decided to go in her room. I slowly opened her door and it was dark and it looked as if she was sleep so I tip toed to the bed quickly but quietly and got under her covers and just as I was about to fall asleep I heard

"What're you doing?" She asked making me jump and a couple of minutes later the light turned on and I sat up and looked at her. As I said

" I didn't wanna sleep alone." But she just stared down at me like she was in a trance I gave her a confused look then looked down and realized I didn't have on a shirt or a bra and quickly pulled the covers up and snapped in her face.

She shook her head quick and looked at me and said

" what did you say?"

"I said I didn't wanna sleep alone." I said

"Why?" She asked

I took a deep breath and looked away
"I was having nightmares" I mumbled

"What?" She asked

I looked back at her "I said I was having nightmares"

"What about" she asked

"About my father. Usually in them I'm getting beat or he's trying to kill me saying he's doing it because he loves me. That's what he used to say when I lived with him. And it's like every time I close my eyes I see flash backs of the beatings and the different things he would beat me with. When I look in the mirror and see the scars and burns I can't help but cry and I just didn't wanna be alone." I said she soon gave me a sympathetic look and started wiping tears I didn't even know were streaming down my face.

"Well I'm sorry to here that and you can sleep in here with me as long as you want I don't want you to feel unsafe. I want you to feel protected." She said which made me smile she really cares

She went to turn off the light and got back in the bed. I laid on my back and she pulled me on her a little and grabbed my left boob and put her hand in my boxers and I gasped.

She chuckled a bit and said "Relax I'm not gonna do anything this is just how I sleep it's comfortable." And I relaxed a bit and soon fell asleep.


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