Chapter 2. Memories

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This is my first time writing anything 'supernatural'. I hope its not as terrible as I think it might be. A fusion of the drama and the novel. Most Chinese supernatural dramas involve another realm so I made my own. Zhao Yunlan with a whip? Why not? 


All my love to Akai_Seirei

You write the best supernatural stories! I love all your fics sweetie.


The decisions you make in the blink of an eye can have the greatest consequence.

No one understood that as well as Shen Wei.

Every year he made sure the entire nation of Dixing recognized and celebrated the three days in the middle of autumn. It was marked by festivals and a spiritual ceremony in every town and city.

He called this time the Memory of Peace with three days of reflection and three nights of festival. Half ongoing memorial for all those lost and partly a celebration of heroism, nationalism and peace. For him more than anything, it was a chance to honor Kunlun.

They would celebrate this together with the joy and resonating grief that the occasion demanded. Thousands of families had lost loved ones over a war spanning seventeen years, their homes and often the village of their birth. Hundreds had been reunited on the famous Flame Bridge, families torn apart like Old Wu and his son Wú Xiǎojūn who had returned wounded but alive.

Lanterns would be lit and candles carried by a procession through the main thoroughfare to the temple. Songs would be sung along the rivers and paper arts would decorate the streets. Colorful and bold like Kunlun himself at night, but tempered by sorrow during the day.

It was his passion that everything Kunlun sacrificed and bled for was celebrated and most importantly...honored. Shangbei had a similar ceremony and the Gates at sunset would glow with ancient power, the stones displaying a riot of colors.

He had appointed Minister Jiang for the task, a man who had lost a great deal in the war and so far he had been pleased with the results. Kunlun would have laughed at the determination Shen Wei was showing. All to honor both him and Dixing's sacrifice.

How he missed that laugh.

Sighing where no one could hear him, the current Emperor of Dixing stepped into the East garden, trailing a hand over the petals of the fragrant flowers, his black robes gliding along the swept walkways, to the pavilion guarded by weeping willows, viridian bamboo and an ancient natural pond.

He crossed the bridge with the light of the stars and the glowing lanterns, knowing full well that the guards and spies were watching. Laughable considering that he held more power in his hand than the enemies that might attack. But, his feet still hesitated as he stood before the curving pavilion decorated with stone tigers and phoenixes.

Not out of fear, but to take a moment to brace his heart.

Dipping gracefully at the waist he crossed the circular doorway and held his breath.

In the center of the pavilion was a beautiful statue of a man. Kunlun looked out over the pond, his face pensive and so perfectly sculpted in the finest bronze, in the dim light he looked real. Shen Wei raised a gentle hand and caressed the perfect eyes, tracing a finger over the full mouth with grief burning in his heart.

 Shen Wei raised a  gentle hand and caressed the perfect eyes, tracing a finger over the  full mouth with grief burning in his heart

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