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It was Friday, September thirteenth and there was a harvest moon that night. My friends and I went to the football game it was fun, actually, it is my favorite high school experience so far. Besides the serial killer, but I think that is pretty obvious.

I was getting a ride home with my friend but I don't think he knew that. When the game ended we headed to the car and he was in the backseat but we didn't see him at first, it was dark. 

Once we started to back out my friend looked back and saw the glint of a metal object, she must've assumed it was some of our soccer gear. Suddenly she stopped the car unlocked the doors and yelled run, I didn't understand but followed her instructions. Too late though he had grabbed my sweatshirt and had a knife to my throat. 

I tried screaming but realized the knife was too close to my throat and if I talked or even breathed too heavily it would slice causing my life to end.

As he did with the rest of his victims he asked me to confess and if I was not completely honest I would die so I talked. I told him about how guilty I feel for almost everything I do and that it keeps me up at night. How I hate that I cause my family so much pain but I don't know how to make it better. How I wish I could talk to my dad about this kinda stuff but he killed himself because of me. I know most people in a situation like mine would blame their father's death on themselves but it actually was my fault I pushed him over the edge. How I wish I could pay for all my mistakes by dying and then feeling worse for thinking of such things. How I knew how my actions hurt people but I still did it. 

Then I closed my eyes and cried while continuing my list of faults, mistakes. By then my friend had called the police but the killer was gone, apparently, my sob story satisfied his sick need. 

One day I hope to find him and ask him to confess, to tell me how it felt to kill all those kids, how it feels to have his confession on tape and displayed before the world, I want to make him know my pain and loss. 

I want to make them all know.

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