Chapter 11

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Hey you guys!

First off: Thank you so freaking much for 200 follower! When I saw that I literally couldn't believe my eyes. You have no idea how much this means to me. You guys are freaking awesome! :)

Als, I'm sorry for not updating for another two weeks now, and for making this chapter so short but it was all I could manage to write right now because I'm so exhausted and if I continued to stay up any longer, I probably would've fallen asleep while writing.

Anyways, I wish you guys an awesome week and I hope you like it!

Maeggaey xx


                What… What was she doing here? Jessica… I thought… What?

                »You guys know each other?« Josh asked, breaking the uncomfortable silence and therefore the staring contest between the brunette sitting on the couch and myself.

                »Yes. [No.]« We said at the same time. I, still baffled at the presence of the girl, barely noticed how she stood up to walk over to my brother. The moment I snapped out of my daze was when she gave him a small kiss on the cheek.

                »It’s good to see you again, Colby.« Jessica smiled warmly, not daring to walk up to me.

                »It’s been quite some time, hasn’t it?« I choked out in complete disbelief. What was this? Some kind of Hollywood movie or was it just my past catching up to me? First there’s Angela suddenly coming back into my life and now Jessica? This all just seemed like a joke to me. Someone with a camera was bound to jump out from somewhere and scream “Gotcha!” because this couldn’t be real. Never in a million lifetimes could this all be coincidentally. »Last time I saw you, you were a blonde and five inches smaller than me.« I smiled up at the slightly taller girl, taking in her hazel eyes. Still the same. Except for the hair. »You grew up pretty fast. And you don’t have your weird vampire necklace thingy on. First time I see you without it.«

                »That’s what happens in four years.« She grinned, taking a step closer and taking my hand into hers. »Would it be okay if I… Hugged you? Like… I haven’t seen you in four years. I kinda missed you.«

                »Come here, little one.« I laughed and pulled her into a tight embrace. Four years and here she was. The formerly small, chubby, blonde girl that was just starting puberty has been hit by it and did a complete 180. No braces, natural curves, tall and brunette. Everything she wanted to be. I was… Surprised. But excited nonetheless. The thing I hated the most after my fall out with her sister was the fact that I couldn’t see her anymore. Ever since we met, she has been like the younger sister I’ve never had but as soon the older blonde and I stopped talking, there was no way I could just go by their house and meet up with the younger girl. It was impossible. After a year or so, I forgot about her. Not completely though. Her well-being was always in the back of my mind. But I never had the guts to ask her sister. Why would I have done that anyway? She wasn’t my sister nor my friend. We hadn’t seen each other for over a year. She probably forgot about me anyways. And now that she stood in front of me and my arms were wrapped around her, it felt as though my long lost sister was finally home. As though I just found another missing puzzle piece to complete my life. She was so grown up…

                »It’s been too long. Don’t you dare to leave me for that long ever again.« Jessica murmured into my shoulder, burying her face into it deeper than it already was.

The Butterfly-Effect (GirlxGirl/ Lesbian Story) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now