Chapter 3: Escaping Reality

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Class A felt like decades to him, he had his head down all period long. When the students whispered, his elf-like ears twitched. Every sentences that were formed has fault statements. His eyes flickered opened, piercing the dark table. He felt his own warm breath cozying his face. He can't take this anymore. How did I deserve this? Have my routes been mistaken? His eyes glanced around the room, everyone stared at his blood-shot eyes. Their mouth opened in surprised,
"What?!" His anger piled into one, all he can see was his classmates; eyeing him viciously. Half of them rolled their eyes, half sat there, terrified. He couldn't take this no longer. He couldn't see why they hated him so much, why they fear him. He couldn't understand, nor can he see what they see.
Ben's vision became blurry. Pain stabbed his brain. He felt something dripping down his ear, it was liquid. No, it was blood.
When he couldn't take it any longer, he pushed himself up from his desk that has messages carved into them saying, Murder, Beast, Ugly, Fat, Fucker, Go Die! The fresh blood that leaked from his eyes dripped down the desk in slow motion, sliding down each letters. Why do you all hate me so much? Something triggered his memory. It was his father, he held a baseball bat. He stood before Ben, hand placed gently on his head. Before he knew it, his Dad swung the bat, hitting Ben in the waist and he flew side way into the pound. He wished that he knew how to swim, escape this. . . Ridiculous nightmares! Everyone hates me!
Something snapped Ben to reality,
"Benjamin, sit down!" The teacher, Mr. Kroger slammed his ruler against the chalkboard roughly, surprising everyone. They all whispered for him to take his sit, but he refused. The sunlight that came from the window touched his hair, making his skin and hair shined. His eyes flickered around the room. The stares, they were piercing through him. He felt as if he were a child, naked in front of a street. Everyone ignored him and continued walking, not realizing that he was there. The loneliness in him, the desire to kill. He knew that one day, he'll defiantly go insane, letting his insanity consume him.
He grabbed on a chair, thinking that if he were to do this, he will never be called Ben again. He pushed that thought aside, who else called him Ben? Only one person who knew him well, Liu Wood. When his mind came into a decision, he swung it against the window. Broken glasses shattered on the people that sat close enough to the window. The screams appeared behind him, shouts fill his ears. A smile appeared on his lips, losing half of his self, he jumped. Wind blew in his face. The smell of freedom, the smell of forgetting everyone! When he came in contact with the grassy ground, he glanced back up. Everyone stared at him, surprised. He survived a fifteen story building. Very surprising? No, he'd been training. He knew that this day will come, it was time for him to escape this stupid lifestyle.
First thing that came in his mind was his stuff. He had to carry something, right? Not bringing a large bag, he threw in a couple of canned food and five bottles of water. He didn't care what he wears, as long as he escape this undesirable life, it's fine.
There was nothing that he needed in this apartment. There were no pictures or anything that worth money. He couldn't come back here again, he didn't know where his friend, Liu, lived. If he were to come back, as if nothing had happened, what will happen to him? The window that he'd broke must have cost thousands.
Not knowing what to do, or where to go, he ran out of his little apartment, finding himself in the forbidden forest. Nothing occur to him that he was in a No No zone. His mind was dark, his eyes rained blood, making his thoughts blurry. He couldn't think straight, he couldn't put his decitions into one place. It shattered everywhere.

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