Chapter 6: Desire

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Liu noticed Ben, his heart torn from his chest. The image before him sickened him,

"Liu!" Ben shouted, surprising the killer named Jeff.

"You guys know each other?" confusion crossed Jeff's face, yet, he stopped himself and went silent. Guess this will be my new entertainment for the day, let's see how you do, brother.

"Ben, what are you doing here? You've been missing for the past few day! Is this where you've been, with my brother?!" Liu's voice cracked, revealing concern. He cared about Ben, he treasured him. If something were to happen to his precious jewel, he wouldn't know what else to do except hunt down the one whom broke his precious.

"I don't know Liu! Help!" Tremitized, Ben gave it another try to escape Jeff's strong grip. He failed terribly, he couldn't feel his own hands anymore. Ah, shit! He stared at his target, ready to kick this killer. Wait. . . Liu's brother? He'd been living here?

"Jeff, I beg of you, please let him go. He doesn't deserve this, he's just too fragile." Liu eyed Jeff viciously. With his tone, he cause his younger brother to laugh uncontrollably. Amusing. He thought. His brother was begging him to release his new toy.

"Well, isn't that amusing. My big brother, begging me to release my new. . . Jewl." He came closer to Ben's lip, licking his jawline. This gave the opposite feeling toward Bed, he felt disgusted, displeased. Many flashbacks appeared before him, telling him he'd meant nothing to them. No one needed him, no know desire him. What a cruel world he'd been living in, no one accept someone who is different. His eyelids felt heavy, and he went into a deep sleep from his troublesome journey.

A rop appeared on Jeff's hand, he tied Ben firmly. He then whistle, and a dog came running in with a dog tag that read Smile.

"Keep him safe." The red dog gave him a annoyed stare. He whined and finally spoke,

"Well, here we go again." the dog transfored into a teenager and tied Ben rop to his wrist. He couldn't escape if he try, since Smile is stronger than one hundred soldiers.

Jeff took out his knife where he'd hid in his pocket, and took a stance. His brother did the same and before their eyes, there was knifes flying around, blood splattered everywhere.
Fighting for the one who we desire. . . Smile grinned, staring at the cruel scene before him.

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