Chapter 3 - Hit the road

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When Camilla and I woke up we where welcomed by warm rays of sunlight. "Morning Ara" Cam said as she yawned "Isn't it a beautiful day?" I smiled gently "Indeed it is."

I then looked down and muttered "I don't think I can live here anymore

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I then looked down and muttered "I don't think I can live here anymore." Camilla looked lost in thought for a while and then a grin spread itself across her face "I have the most absolutely, crazy idea in the world. We. You and I, will leave travel the world just like we dreamed of." I stared at her in shock. "But Cam what about your dad? I know my parents won't care, they stopped caring once jasper left but you, you have your dad?" Cam then looked down "Arabella my dad, he has become the town drunk ever since my mother passed away, I was worried about telling you. Its very embarrassing you know the other night when I came over and asked to sleepover that was because he tried to.... rape me, I can't go home." We both began crying in each others arms "I'm so sorry Cam, you should've told me." "I know. I'm sorry too. Now let's hit the road."

We walked for a day passing the time by telling stories and playing silly games, we slept under the shelter of an old bridge for the night. The next day Cam and I caught a ride with a band of travellers, they took pity on us and allowed as to stay with them giving us food and shelter. We spent a week with them travelling across the land singing songs and making some new friends, it was a lot of fun and I almost completely forgot about my troubles. Sadly we had to part ways. One afternoon Camilla and I decided to rest underneath a large tree covered in moss and vines. "Hey Ara, do you think you could teach me to draw?" I had kept my sketch book with me so of course I agreed "yeah, let's do this!" I ripped out a page from my book and lent her one of my pencils "Ok what would you like to start with?" Cam pondered for a moment "I think I want to draw a rose, to represent my middle name you know." I grinned, cam and I spent the entire afternoon working on drawing different flowers.

"I am very proud

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"I am very proud. Artist in training." I said with a giggle as we huddled underneath a blanket on the ground since it had become night time already. "Yes, I am very amazing. Thanks for helping me Ara it was lots of fun. Goodnight." I yawned "Goodnight" We both fell asleep blissfully unaware of the red eyes that watched us from afar. 


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