Chapter 4 - Camouflage & Persuasion

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I awoke feeling like I was on fire, it burned through my entire body and soul, I could hear both my screams and Camilla's what in the world is happening. The pain seemed to last for days, days in which I wished to die for the pain to end until one day it stopped. Everything stopped not just the pain but my heart and yet I was alive. Sitting up I found Camilla next to me looking confused "What happened?" Suddenly a man came into the room at an incredibly inhuman speed. I stared in shock and fear but Cam decided to speak her thoughts "What just happened? Why are we here? Who are you? And what's with the freakish eyes?" I nodded in agreement. "Good morning girls. My name is Mikael and I am a vampire and so are you too. I turned you because I have been in search of company and I just was lucky to come across two beautiful girl sleeping alone in the woods. And if you think my eyes are freakish look at each other's, we are the same now." We turned to glance at each other's eyes and gasped they were both bright gleaming red.

 I was scared of myself and Mikael but I decided to be brave "What does it mean to be a

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I was scared of myself and Mikael but I decided to be brave "What does it mean to be a ... vampire?" Mikael stepped closer "We are immortal beings you will live forever in these bodies unless you are ripped apart and burned. We vampires drink blood, typically human but there are those who choose to drink animal blood quite disgusting if you ask me. Along with that we have enhanced abilities, speed, strength and hearing. Some vampires are gifted, have special abilities of some matter. Unfortunately I do not have a gift. Last but no least our skin in direct sunlight will sparkle, therefore you must no step into sunlight when you are around humans, they must not know of the vampire race. Now any questions dearies?"

We gulped it was a lot of information to take in. "Are we allowed to leave?" Mikael's eyes turned cold and he yelled "No! I made you, you are mine!" Camilla flinched and grabbed my hand in fear, Mikael then began to look around confused as if he couldn't see us. "Where are you girls." We both gasped and he was able to see us again. "You brown haired girl, I believed that you have the ability of camouflage, what a stunning gift. What is your name?" Cam looked petrified " name is Camilla." Mikael grinned "You will be most useful Camilla. Neither of you are leaving ever!" Then suddenly I felt a surge of courage I jumped up and grabbed his arm "Let us go!" His eyes glazed over "Yes you may go." I gaped I think I did that. Let's try something "Rip your limbs off." He did exactly what I asked "Cam quick burn him, hurry." We burned Mikael and ran away at immortal speed. Free and stronger than ever. Camilla with the power of Camouflage and I with the gift of Persuasion.

Arabella Whitlock  - Jaspers Sister (new version)Where stories live. Discover now