Chapter 18 - Hiding Izzy

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Jasper and Alice sat in the front while Cam and I sat in the back with Izzy squished between us. The car was silent, usually Cam and would be chatting away but she had been focusing on camouflaging Izzy for so long that she couldn't be distracted. 'Cam, you've been going at the for over five hours straight. You are going to strain yourself if you don't stop now.' 'No I can hold it just a little longer. We'll be at the motel soon, I promise I'll be fine.' 'don't make me use persuasion on you.' 'You can't not when I'm camouflaging my mind' I grumbled 'Fine, just promise you'll take a break when we arrive at the motel.' The link went blank 'You did not just block me out' .... 'You did block me out.' 

I faced Cam and glared at her "I can't believe you blocked me out!" I yelled and she just muttered "Need, concentration

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I faced Cam and glared at her "I can't believe you blocked me out!" I yelled and she just muttered "Need, concentration." I was about to say something else when I was interrupted by my brother "Ara let Camilla concentrate. You want Bella safe don't you?" I frowned and glanced at the sleeping human "Yeah I do." I replied before mumbling "her name is Izzy" Alice chirped back in a sing song voice "No its not." We finally made it to the motel and stopped. Camilla still didn't stop focusing her power on Isabella even once we made it into the room we had rented for the night. "Camilla Rose!" I snapped at her, but she ignored me and shook her head. Cam had stopped replying verbally an hour ago. I was about to push further when I heard a bang. "Cam!" I yelled she had fainted I didn't even know that it was possible for a vampire to faint. "Jasper! Alice! Camilla fainted" We spent the rest of the night alert. Without Camilla's camouflage anyone would be able to track Izzy. Alice was then sent into a vision. 

"He has changed his course

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"He has changed his course." She then began to draw on a piece of paper "He will end up in a room of mirrors." Then Izzy exclaimed "He's going to end up in a ballet studio." We all turned to her "You know where this is Izzy?" She nodded "it's not far from my old house in Arizona, I used to dance there as a child." I laughed "You used to dance? How are you still so clumsy doesn't dance help with balance." Izzy blushed "I quit because of my clumsiness." Cam laughed and patted Izzy on the back "Oh well, your skills lay else where" Izzy smiled "Thanks Cam" I gasped putting a hand against my chest dramatically "What about me? I should be thanked!" Izzy laughed at me "Thank you Arabella" I narrowed my eyes at her "I see what you did there Izzy, I am simply offended" After my statement the three of us sat there trying to hold serious faces before we all burst out laughing, correction Cam and I burst out laughing, Izzy merely chucked lightly.

After resting that night, we travelled to the airport where we were planning on meeting the rest of the Cullen clan. As we arrived Izzy asked if she could you use the bathroom and if jasper could take her as he helped her feel calm. "Wait Isabella if I don't come with you I can't camouflage your scent anymore." She shrugged "It'll be fine, I'm sure." Nodding hesitantly cam agreed and Izzy left with Jasper. Cam and I spoke through our mind link 'Don't you think it's a bit weird that Isabella wanted Jasper to take her?' 'How so?' 'She always complains about not liking it when jasper uses his gift on her' 'You're right, you don't think...' 'She asked him to come because he couldn't enter the bathroom with her. Yes I do think so.' 'Well come on then!' Grabbing Alice by the arm we pulled her over to the bathroom where we found Jasper waiting by the door. "Is Izzy in there, Jazz?" He gave me a confused look "She should be. No, I can't hear her heartbeat." I groaned "Really!? Of all the stupid things she could do." We all waited for the rest of the Cullen's before we made our way to the dance studio where she must have gone. 

By the time we made it Izzy was writhing in pain on the floor complaining about fire, she had been bitten

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By the time we made it Izzy was writhing in pain on the floor complaining about fire, she had been bitten. She would have turned into a vampire but Edward didn't wish the fate upon her. So he sucked the venom from her, amazing me when he was able to stop feeding. I had never tasted human blood before and never wish to it is completely barbaric and it is perfectly fine to feed off animals. Of course, it is still repulsive, animals are living creatures all the same as us but the fact that they aren't the same species as us brings some comfort.

Isabella was taken to the hospital where she recovered well and we found out that the reason she had left on her own was because she thought that James had taken her mother

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Isabella was taken to the hospital where she recovered well and we found out that the reason she had left on her own was because she thought that James had taken her mother. I understand where she was coming from, you will do anything for those you love the most. 

I'd die for Jasper or Cam any day without a second thought

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I'd die for Jasper or Cam any day without a second thought.

Arabella Whitlock  - Jaspers Sister (new version)Where stories live. Discover now