Chapter one

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Jotaro yawned, rubbed his eyes, and looked around the mostly-empty hotel room that had been his home for the past few weeks. He didn't remember falling asleep, he assumed that he had drifted off while looking through the disorganized white folder of people that had gone missing during the past few months. It was a gloomy activity, looking through the dozens of photographs of mostly teens and young women whom he suspected had been murdered by the man they were tracking.
    Being sad was not unusual for him, but today was a bit worse than usual. It was evening, the clouds in the sky right outside his window beginning to turn that golden yellow color that he hated so much, while the towering ones in the back were keeping their dark grey. A storm was mostly likely going to hit the town of Morioh soon. But for now the yellow light hit the roofs of the houses below him, creating a dull glow which would be enchanting for most. Jotaro, though, was not enchanted by much.
   He stood up and walked away from his chair so he no longer had to look out the window. Sometimes he wished he could shut the rest of the world out, even though he knew this was a foolish idea. The old man had told him that if he did that it would only make things worse, and as much as he disliked it he knew it as well. So he had settled with trying to cut people of instead- if he didn't get close to them than it wouldn't matter to him what happened. Physical pain was something Jotaro knew he could handle, emotional pain, on the other hand, was not.
   His string of thought was interrupted by the phone ringing. He knew who it was before he even picked it up.
   "Mr. Kujo, this is Goro from the Speedwagon Foundation. We have found a person who fits your needs and will be sending them over as soon as possible"
   "Long-range stand? Mr. Joestar is good, but he's old. We need someone who's more sturdy."
  "Yes, they fit that description exactly."
   Jotaro smiled. The Speedwagon Foundation never failed to impress him. "Could you tell me who this person is?"
    "I'm sorry, Mr. Kujo, but that's classified information." Goro's voice sounded a bit nervous. "You aren't allowed to know until they arrive."
  "Classified information? I'm going to find out when they get here anyways, why can't you just tell me now?"
   "No offense to you, of course, but we're afraid that if we told you, you might let some information slip. We want as little people as possible finding out about this person." There was a slight pause on the other end of the line. "Plus, the person themselves made a request not to tell you."
   Puzzled, Jotaro hung up. The Speedwagon foundation had always told him their plans, and for them to be secretive, especially to someone they knew they could trust, was unusual. But he knew there must be some sort of reason, so he pushed his curiosity to the back of his brain as he dialed the next number, not expecting them to pick up. School was in, after all.
   "Josuke, this is Jotaro. The person we requested is coming later today. Meet me at the docks after you get out of school." He paused for a moment. "And of  course, make sure your not being followed."

   Ever since Jotaro had arrived, Josuke had gotten into the habit of checking his phone immediately after school ended. He was proud that the unusual man trusted him enough to ask for his assistance, so he tried as hard as he could to be helpful. Although sometimes Jotaro's personality got on his nerves. He never really seemed excited about anything, and rarely smiled. When he asked Joseph about this he had told him that it hadn't always been that way, but nothing else. Josuke wondered if it had anything to do with the picture on Jotaro's desk that he was always looking at.
   "OI JOSUKE" Josuke heard the yell behind him and turned around just in time to see Okuyasu trip over a rock and fall face-first onto the grass. Laughing, he hurried over to help his friend up.
  "Any new information from Mr. Kujo?" Okuyasu asked as he brushed himself off.
  "Yeah, I got a voicemail. It says that we should meet him at the docs, the stand user he asked for is coming in today."
  "Wow, that fast? It took Joseph a lot longer."
  "Yeah, but Joseph's old. Maybe the new guy is younger? Jotaro didn't tell me anything else." This was normal, Jotaro usually didn't tell Josuke any more than what was necessary. "Anyways, we should start heading over to Koichie's. Jotato did say to come right after school, so we need to get Koichi and leave." Okuyasu nodded, and the two friends took off. 
   It only took about thirty minutes to collect Koichi and run to the docks, where they found Jotaro waiting. His face gave away almost no emotion as usual, but Josuke thought that he saw a hint of worry in his eyes.
   "The boat should dock in about seven minutes, in the meantime, be on the lookout for any enemy stand users. You remember what happened last time with old man Joseph."
  "Is everything alright Mr. Kujo?" Josuke asked
  Jotaro sighed. "The Speedwagon Foundation said they couldn't tell me anything about this stand user. I asked why and they said that the user themselves asked them not to tell me." He shrugged. "I don't know what to expect from this person."
  Josuke was confused. From what Jotaro had told him about the speedwagon foundation it seemed that the organization trusted him unconditionally. For them to hide any information from him was unusual. "Maybe the foundation was infiltrated?"
  "I highly doubt that, but it's always an open possibility. We need to make sure to keep our guard up."
   The minutes past by slowly and silently, with Koichi jumping at almost every loud sound. Finally, they spotted the boat bearing the Foundation's name on its hull. It docked without any issues, and a man in the Foundation uniform stepped out. "Are you Mr. Kujo?"
  Jotaro nodded. "Yes, that would be me. And I'm assuming that your Goro?"
  The man nodded. "The journey went without a hitch. The user you requested is waiting inside, we're just working on his luggage now."
  "I can take care of the luggage myself." A calm voice said from the inside of the boat.
   Josuke sensed movement next to him and looked over to see that Jotaro had gone tense. Confused, he backed away- this was the most emotion he had seen Jotaro show. His eyes were wide, and Josuke noticed he was shaking a bit.
  "You might need to prepare yourself if you're not very good with shock." Goro said. "If you need to sit down-"
   "I'm fine." Jotaro said firmly. Goro nodded and motioned to the door.

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