Chapter Fourteen

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Marina held her head high as she sat on the strange horse trying to make it dance like her own. She missed them. All of them. Her mares and the two stallions. And through it all little Luciana was evolving awesome which made it up a little. She seemed to get bigger everyday. Her second name was now Elizabeth, Marina insisted since Francisco got Michael as his second name as well.

She concentrated on the movement of the horse and the help she gave with her body. The instructions that only her pelvis have to the huge animal.

Her dark eyes fixed onto Tommy who watched her as he smoked a cigarette on the sideline as he did all the time.

"You're good at that" He commented as she came to sudden stop in front of him with the horse out of a straight period of leading changes.

"Classical dressage" She answered as she stopped in front of him. "You were asking for a meeting with me Mister Shelby?" The latina raised an eyebrow as her movie star smile danced on her lips as it always did.

"Here's not the place to talk" He said as he looked into her dark eyes. Something about them was so kind yet so vicious and deadly.

Tommy knew that he didn't wanted Marina as his enemy. They both had that darkness inside but unlike Tommy Marina was still able to feel something. Everything had been taken from her and still she lived on unlike the blue eyed man. He just couldn't get over it but he didn't knew why. No one did know and no one ever would. Maybe you could blame it on his gypsy soul that was just rotting as he was trapped in the city.

"Good your office then I guess?"She said as she hopped of the horse and handed it to someone who worked in the yard. The two maintained silence as they walked and drove in the car. Marina was smiling as always while Tommy maintained his poker face.

"I'm glad you agreed to this" Tommy said as Marina took off her gloves and stretched herself a little. She was rather comfortable around Tommy. In no universe she would expect him to do anything to her; never. Not just because of the fury of her father and not because the city was full with her minions but because they two had that weird kind of connection. Not to close but close enough to one another. They had both felt the loss of their most loved person and were still standing. Standing next to someone who was meant to fill the hole this one person left.

"I'm glad we're here" She said as she took a seat folding her legs and leaning comfortably back her not readable expression on her face.

"Tell me what you think" He said as if they were old mates meeting up for business after years of separation as he pored himself a whiskey and her as well. As if whiskey assured their hydration.

"I think you gave Michael to early to much freedom. He used it" She said as she glared at him as the man handed her a drink." I don't drink at the moment"

"You mean he's going to betray me" Tommy asked as he took the seat in front of Marina as she untied her braid.

"He had this whore; Gina. I killed her before we left but I think she's still affecting him. I think that he needs to come back into the Shelby's Co. because if he doesn't you lose control over him. He's clever and has a fast mind that's why you have to show him his limits" She said as she looked into Tommy's blue eyes.

"I'll leave that to you I assume" Marina rolled her eyes at that statement. She leaned forward to glare at him more intense.

"Tommy" She just said leaving her eyes to tell him all the things she couldn't put in words.

"Marina" He replied as he let the smoke out still looking at her with his so very piercing eyes.

"I'm not an angel I'm his wife" Tommy leaned forward for his next statement pointing his finger towards her.

"You're the devil that's the thing. You can separate your family life from business unlike Michael" Tommy said slowly as he glared towards her.

"Tommy" She breathed out soundly and obviously exhausted."What's your plan then?"

"I was guessing that the great Marina had a plan" The two acted so good around each other as if they were old pals.

"Oh bloody hell" Her eyes searched the ceiling as she let her genius mind run wild. "I'm saying that bonding him into business would be the best thing. Some deal that could help him pay off the money he lost either. My men were eventually just taking care of it in America by the way. So he'll learn to appreciate the Shelby Co. again"

"Polly will ask him soon. I already told her" Tommy mumbled ignoring her just thinking about a plan.

"It's settled then" She raised her imaginary glass at Tommy with her pokerface."Actually Tommy I have to talk to you about something else"

"Go on then" He moved her with his cigarette still looking at the beautiful latina.

"If I die for whatever reason please take my kids away from this. All of it" She breathed bitterly."Make them live in the countryside or something. Keep them from guns and coke and all of it" She leaned forward again to look at him more intense."I'm telling you that because I know that you're a good person. Deep down somewhere there's no vicious beast. But through it all I don't want my kids to live in this world. It brought more mental pain than physical"

"I will Marina" He said making it honestly unspectacular."I promise" She nodded relieved as she wants to hug Tommy. But she would never.

"Thank you Tommy Shelby"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2019 ⏰

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