Tul Gives Max Belated Birthday Surprise

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AN: It is my Birthday on September 17 and I wanted to give something special to my lovely readers and followers. So, this is my gift to you all. This story is inspired by Tul Pakorn's amazing performance at 'Lip Sync Battle - Thailand'. Hope you guys enjoy. Don't forget to vote and comment.  


"Hey hon! Are you there?" Max Nattapol called out as he entered the cozy apartment he shared with his lover of three years, Tul Pakorn. Tul had returned from Italy just a few days back and they had finally got to see each other yesterday at the religious ceremony at Tul's family home. The two had missed each other extremely, even though they had called each other every day. Max was hoping that when he reached home tonight, Tul would be there and they could rekindle their romance once again. Max had even sought permission to shut down the shoot early just this once. However, Max was surprised when he entered the apartment and the entire place was dark, with no sign of life whatsoever.

Max looked puzzled as he switched on the living room light. The scene before him brought a smile to his face. Looks like his Phii had planned something special. He picked up the hot-pink colored note laid on the floor where a trail of red rose petals began.

"Follow the roses" Max read the note and did as was instructed. The trail of roses took him across the hall towards the stairs that lit with beautifully scented candles. The stairs were scattered with red and white petals that seemed even more fragrant. Max made his way up the stairs, with a developing hunch that the roses would lead him to their bedroom. Or at least he was hoping they would.

Max was elated to know that his hunch was correct and he now stood in front of their bedroom's closed door

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Max was elated to know that his hunch was correct and he now stood in front of their bedroom's closed door. But what he had not expected was a black blind-fold that hung from the doorknob. Tul was an assertive and enthusiastic lover, also demanding one, but so far had not expressed any kinky desires, so all this, especially the blind-fold was pleasantly surprising for Max. Max couldn't help a silly smile that had taken over his face as he saw a post-it note, also bright pink, stuck to the blind-fold. It said 'wear me'. He hesitated only a moment, before putting the black cloth on and turned the doorknob slowly. He felt the door open and he took a step in. That's when he was greeted with a voice he adored.

Tul Pakorn was waiting for his Maxxin when he had prepared everything for the latter's surprise. Tul was confident his surprise would get just the results he expected. Tul had come back home after a couple of weeks in Italy and he really wanted to meet up with his Max. The tall tan-skinned guy had missed Max's birthday as well as the celebration and this fact had weighed down on him for days. Tul wanted to do something special for his nong and had racked his brain for ideas for weeks. Then it had struck him like a bolt of lightning. And even though it meant that he would have to embarrass himself, it was for Max and he knew it would be worth it.

Tul got the idea when he remembered their last shoot before he had left for Italy. Max and Tul had to appear in 'Lip-Sync Battle' and their episode was scheduled to air in July. Since Tul had no available dates in July, the two actors had decided to finish their shooting for the series before Tul left the country. For the popular and whacky series, Tul had to dress up as Lisa and perform BlackPink's famous song "Du Du Du". This was the last shoot Max and Tul did together. And even though Max had never explicitly told Tul that he enjoyed watching Tul in girly clothes and a wig, Tul could already sense the younger man's excitement. The way Max's eyes sparkled with mirth and lust when Tul had come onto the stage fully dressed as Lisa said it all. And there was no denying how Max couldn't help himself from checking Tul out constantly. If that wasn't proof enough, the way Max had slammed the elder man against the front door as soon as they had entered their apartment and the three rounds of intense lovemaking that followed, said it all.

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