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     The bus as silent. Nothing except chains clinking against each other, the engine of the bus, and the quiet breathing of nine children. Leaves crunch under the bus tires as it makes a swift turn.

     'Wrong way... Wrong way... Wrong way... Your going the wrong way...' A quiet voice echo's throughout the bus. I slowly looked up, then down at the chains connecting my hands, attempting to slowly slip them off.

    We pass a small field. Corn stalks stand tall, well past 8 feet. A little boy, the same little boy I have seen many times before tilts his head and gives me a small wave. For once, a small smile makes its way onto my face and I smile, waving back as much as I could manage.

     'wrong way...! Wrong way...! Wrong way!' The boys voice slowly gets louder. The bus skids to a stop by a cliff, and everything goes silent except the rustling of water below.

     The driver gets out of his seat and grabs a bag of candy, going seat to seat, pulling on the chains and dropping a single piece of candy into everyone's bag. As he gets to the last person, a kid, not sure what gender, in a tall devils costume.

     "I want to go home... I want to go home!" The same boy from earlier started whimpering. I manage to loosen my chains and run towards the front and getting into the drivers seat.

   "I want to go home! I want to go home!" He boy yells. I cry and step on the brakes, not knowing what to do. The driver looks towards the front with a scowl on his face, stomping foreword. Before he could reach me one of the kids in the second to front row stuck his foot out, making the bus driver trip.

     I then stomp on the peddle, sending the bus foreword, barreling off the cliff...
"Were free...."


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