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Han Hwamin

As usual, I went to school early to put a letter that i would spray my favourite perfume and some self-baked cookies I always make at night.

I put those things quickly into his locker and went straight to my class. I just walked lazily to my chair. As I just sat down, I slept right away. I mean, I'm so sleepy like I have to finish my homework, bake cookies, write letter, come to school early, sneak into a guy's locker.

"Yah yah, wake up. Class almost begin!"

I heard my bestfriend, Hana, waking me up like always. I just smiled at her and thanked her for waking me up. Right then, I saw the not so popular but still is popular guy, Kim Yohan entering the class like a boss. I always wonder how does it feel like to look that good.

Wait, did my eyes saw it right? He's opening my letter in class? Oh, why class? Thank god I never put my name in any letter i've gave him. But, I saw him smiling. Well, that just made me happy even if it's not because of the letter, as long as he's happy, I'm happy too.

Kim Yohan

As I entered school, I went to my locker to take books and to check whether that unknown girl sent me a letter or not today.

It turns out that she did, and she always gave a cookies, it's so cute. I know it's not safe to eat someone's cookies without even knowing who made it. But me not caring myself, I just finished it as fast as lighting. I'm also too excited to read the letter so I just read it while walking towards the class.

"Dear Kim Yohan,

Hey it's me, your biggest fan since 1st year haha. I'm sorry if I wasted your time to read this actually.

Anyways, today is the starting of our semester exam. I hope you can do well and I hope that I can too, keke~

I made the cookies again, do you like it? Hope you do, Yohan-ah! I want to make something else for you but I don't know what do you like. (I'm not a stalker, that's why hehe)

I wish you goodluck and have a nice nice niceeeee day! Don't forget to wait for tomorrow's letter, ehe~ Have a good day, Yohan-ssi"

I couldn't do anything but smile. Her letters had always make me so happy. I wish I know who's her and I would like to thank her for cheering my day.

As I've finished reading, I took a glimpse at my crush for 2 damn years, Han Hwamin. She's pretty, clever and popular. She is really hard to be approached, well hard to get. Everyone likes her but she never notices. Serious talk, if she actually liked anyone, that guy must have saved a country in his past life.

It was suppose to be shorter >< well, it's still short right~ anyways, njoy this shitty chapter yall. I love you muahh

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