{Author's Note}

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Hey there friends, welcome back. After ABH, I hope you're all ready for another rollercoaster of emotions :)

The book updates will follow the same rule as ABH. It will be done weekly, on Saturday, so stay tuned :)


This book may contain typos and grammatical errors. I don't always have time to check line by line so please, if you're a grammar Nazi, just be patient with me and point up the mistakes nicely. It's normal if I make them since my first language isn't English. I will, however, only be editing it when I finish the book.

    I appreciate all the constructive criticism that all of you can give me. Everyone that knows me, knows that I appreciate your feedback. Either good or bad. But there are ways you can say something to someone without offending their work. It may take you five minutes to read and criticize, but it takes us writers hours to write.

And this is my baby.


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