16. Spy Ashley On A Mission

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One destroyed dining room table and one hundred smashed chairs later, Lager is pacing up and down the length of the room at an incredible speed, extremely agitated and angry, which is not a good combination.

"So you're telling me," Lager finally stops, turning to face where we're all huddled, watching him like he might snap again at any second, "That the Kinling High Commander was here, along with his entire council, discussing an alliance with the Lightlings,  and no one thought to inform me?"

I open my mouth, then think better of it and decide that maybe answering isn't the best option at the moment since we've already explained all that has happened so far. It would be best to let him just process this and  cool off. Of course, Becky doesn't feel the same way.

"Well you are a heavy sleeper..." She trails off when Lager's golden eyes flash to her. Lager may be the only one on Dalton who Becky will ever back down from, and I'm not necessarily sure if that's a good thing or not.

"Did he see you?" Lager asks, turning to me, his agitation giving away slightly to concern.

"No," I say, but then the confrontation with Aella flashes before my eyes, "But he may know that I'm here by now. I may or may not have run into his fiance."

"That damned Lyncher has a fiance?" Lager hisses, catching my reaction when I first found out about that perfectly.

I only nod, before looking behind me for some help, any help. Surprisingly, it's Marquis Demonte who steps up to the rescue, turning to Malia who was still sitting in the only chair left in the Dining room.

"Well I guess I won the bet afterall. I'll expect payment by the end of the week, My Lady." The Marquis says to Malia with a flirtatious wink.

"I really wish I hadn't doubled or nothing." Malia groans with a small smile, gracefully standing up from her chair.

"Dad!" Max exclaims, a pure look of disgust on his face.

"Oh don't worry, Maximus. There's nothing going on between your father and I, he's just being his usual, flirty self." Malia reassures.

"What's this bet about?" Max speaks up, seeming as curious as me and everyone else.

"A situation similar to this happened about a few centuries ago, and Demonte and I decided to make a bet on whether it would happen again in the next decade or not."

A few centuries ago? I guess I shouldn't be that surprised, seeing as she's the Lightling High Commander and all, but it just makes me wonder how old she really is.

""A situation like...?" Iris trails off, asking on behalf of the rest of us, although I have a feeling all of us know.

"A situation similar to the Kinlings asking for aid, except at the time, the war was already taking place. Of course, back then, we, the Lightlings, decided to stay mostly neutral, although I will shamefully admit that your sweet-talker of a Darkling High Commander convinced me to lend him a few Lightling soldiers." 

I look over at Lager who seems to have mostly calmed down enough to at least look a little sheepish when she says that, rubbing the back of his neck with a small apologizing smile.

"What about now? Will you side with them this time around?" Becky suddenly asks in a biting tone, and the entire room goes silent, even Lager going still as all eyes land on Malia.

"Ah-ha." I chuckle awkwardly, turning to give Becky a death glare. "Sorry on behalf of my friend. She means no disrespect."

"No, Ashley." Becky says, making me want to face-palm. "We need to know. If they choose to side with the Kinlings, there's no way we can stay here."

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