Fun Stuff

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Wassup, everyone!!! It's Ned! Like Shakespeare said I'm gonna do some fun extras.

There are a few mentions of drugs, btw


Ziniba: *accidentally hits Sinbad in the face*

Ziniba: *panics and tries to decide if she should say "are you okay?" or "I am so freakin sorry!"*


Sinbad (starting to cry): W-what?


Teacher: Ned, I know you snuck out last night.

Ned: *play dumb!*

Ned: Who's Ned?

Ned: *not that dumb!"


Lou: It's either yeet or be yeeted in this world.

Lafou: I am literally begging you to stop.

Ned: *runs up to Lou and smacks him in the back of the head* YEET! *runs off*

Lou: See what I mean?


Ziniba: I am the most evil person alive!

Ned: You sleep with a teddy bear.



*Lou climbs through the window at 3am*

Lafou: *Gets up from chair* Where have you been?

Tony: *Hiding* *mouths "working"*

Lou: Smoking

Tony: Please make sure he gets expelled.


Madeline: Ned, did you eat my powered donuts?

Ned: No.

Madeline: What's the powder around your mouth, then?

Ned: *panics* cocaine


Ekua: If you kill a murder there is the same amount of murders in the world.

Genevieve: *painting her nails* kill two


Ekua: *screaming*

Ned: *screams louder to establish dominance*

Madeline: *joins the competition*

Sinbad: Should we do something...?

Ziniba: No, I wanna see who wins.


Everyone as (clean or edited) vines:

Lou: "aw! Stawp! You almost made me drop my croissant!"

Tony: "oh my gah! I lost my berries! I can't find my berries!"

Sinbad: "Are you smoking weed?" "No, this is a cray-" "I'm calling the police!" *types around on microwave* "I don't think-" "911 What is your emergency?"

Genevieve: "So, she called me ugly and I was like "uh, where?" and she was like "under all that makeup" and I was like "what makeup?" *wipes hand on face to show there's no makeup but it shows her lighter skin tone*

Ekua: "Welcome to T-T-T-T-TARGET!!!" *air horns*

Madeline: "How did you take down captain America?" "We shot him in the legz becauze hiz shield iz the size of a dinner plate and he iz an idiot"

Ned: "we now have a chip reader!" "Oh, really?" *pulls out dorito and sticks it in* "no, it doesn't-" "transaction completed"

Ziniba: the one where it looks like the guy is smoking but he actually is just making Mac and cheese.


So, yeah! We're all doing great! Except Ekua has missed the last five years of internet...


Ziniba: pop quiz: what happens when you press the brake and the pedal in a car at the same time?

Ekua: It takes a screen shot

Ziniba: ...

Ziniba: NED!

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