Ch. 2: Me too

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It's been a couple of years since Kakashi's absence. Team Minato had fallen apart after a while. Minato couldn't spend as much time with his remaining students due to him being the Hokage and constantly being extremely busy. It of course upset Obito to no end because his team was like his family. They were now around 16 years of age.

Sure Rin was still around but she seemed distant and still affected by Kakashi. Obito tried his hardest to keep her happy and distracted even though it had also taken a toll on him too.

"Obito, Rin, guess what?" Minato said standing up from his chair looking out the window "I know it has been a struggle not being together as before. I want just as much as you both to bring our family together once again." He smiled sweetly at his former students "How about a reunion?" His tone sounding so tenderly. The brunette clasped her hands together cheerfully "Minato Sensei!" Her smile soon faded away as she stared at the floor.

"It wouldn't be the same without K-" Minato placed a hand on her shoulder still smiling "When I said reunion I meant all of us. Let's go find Kakashi and spend some time together. He might need that to heal himself." Rin smiled nodding her head. "Okay Sensei!"

Obito felt a shiver go down his spine. He should be happy and excited but for some odd reason he wasn't. He was more afraid to see what has become of his best friend. Rin turned to see a worried look on his face.

"Obito? Did you not hear what Minato Sensei said? We're going to find Kakashi!" She cheered as he remained silent "I don't think it's a good idea..." He whispered as both stared at the boy "What?! Obito! You're the one who kept insisting that we should and now that we finally get the chance to you don't want to?!" Rin shook her head furiously trying to wrap her mind around what Obito had just said.

"I-I mean didn't he say he'd come back when he was ready?...I just don't want to rush him..." He lied trying to hide what he truly meant.

Rin simply stared and Minato laughed lightly "He did but there isn't anything wrong with giving him a visit. Besides, I'm a little concerned." Both teens gave their sensei a questioning look.

"Concerned? How so? You know Kakashi is capable in caring for himself." Obito kept trying to convince them to stay put, fearing for what might happened if Kakashi was far worse than before "I secretly placed a sealing jutsu on him before he left. Not that I don't trust him I just wanted to keep him in sight in case anything happened to him. But the thing is...his movements these past few years have been...suspicious." Minato sighed.

"He's been visiting villages, in the exact same areas as the Jinchurikis." Obito narrowed his brows "You mean..." Minato nodded "Yes, he's been visiting the hidden areas that the Jinchurikis are being held. Nobody but the Kages know of that. Not only that but each time he went to an area the Jinchurikis would mysteriously disappear. Three are missing." Rin gasped and Obito quickly pulled her into an embrace.

Rin has the three tails Jinchuriki and Kushina has the nine tails. This is what he meant by he'll come back soon. Obito knew Kakashi is only coming back for them but deep down inside he hoped this was all just a mistake.

"I'm still unsure but we need to see if what I'm saying is true or not. I hope it's the latter." All stood in silence for a moment "Pack your things, we need to get going now and we'll meet at the gate." He said as he teleported himself away. Rin began to tremble "What if..." Obito cooed at her as she began to relax "Well I guess we better hurry up!" She exclaimed and grabbed his arm pulling Obito out of the office.


Arriving at the gate Obito felt his uneasiness get worse by the second. As both former teammates arrived at the front to meet up with Minato but were met with another shinobi. "Hey! I was sent to let you both know that Lord Fourth couldn't and won't be able to make it." Before the shinobi could leave Rin stepped forward "Um, where is he? And what happened if I may ask." The male simply pat her head "Something important just came up and so he can't go. So the whole trip you guys were suppose to go to is cancelled." He said as he rushed off into the crowd of people.

Sighing in content Obito glanced at his best friend only to meet with a sad expression. Stepping forward and placing a hand on her shoulder he spoke softly  "Hey, it's oka-" she scoffed before taking his hand off her.

"It's okay for YOU. You don't care! You didn't even want to go see him in the first place!..I did...I love him...and this opportunity...meant so much to me..." Tears began to form as she turned and ran back home. Obito couldn't help but feel his heart tugging painfully. He hated seeing his childhood best friend in so much agony. He knew exactly what he had to do. He had wanted to avoid this situation but maybe...just maybe seeing Kakashi and convincing him to come back might work out.

He sighed "HEY OBITO!" The Uchiha jumped and felt someone swirl him around "H-HEY! HOW ABOUT NOT SCARING ME LIKE THAT GUY!?" The boy just grinned some more "What're you doing here? I just saw you standing by the gates alone moping around." Obito glared at him shaking his fist "I WAS NOT MOPING AROUND! And mind your own business!!" He screeched as he was storming off.

"..." Guy stared slowly frowning.


It was at night when Obito decided he'd leave to go find Kakashi. Standing right outside the village he felt something...or SOMEONE creeping up on him. He quickly turned facing the hidden leaf's green beast himself once more.

"Guy!? What are you doing here!?" He gasped glaring at him "I was on my way home and I just happened to have seen you climb over the gate...and I followed. You're not...running away or becoming a rogue are you..?" Obito blinked raising a brow "WHAT. No! Of course not! I..." He inhaled "I'm going to bring Kakashi back." Guy's eyes widened as his smile faltered.

"Oh..." Obito began to walk away but was stopped midway "You can't. I'm not going to let you g-" The Uchiha shoved the other boy back "I need to do this! I have to!..." Guy shook his head but before he could speak two more voices spoke up.

"I'm coming too." Both boys turned to see Rin standing a few feet away with her hands on her hips. Obito's eyes trailed over to a boy next to her, Iruka. Feeling a bit of jealousy rising in his heart he began shouting "WHAT IS HE DOING HERE?!" Iruka crossed his arms smirking "I'm coming too. After all I'm a part of Kakashi's fan base too." Angrily stomping over Obito poked the boy "FAN BASE?? WHAT THE HE-" Rin stepped in between pushing both boys back.

"He has feelings for Kakashi too and wants to come along." Rin smiled while feeling a bit jealous. Obito felt like pulling his hairs out.

"Well that makes four now!" Guy happily chirped in "we'll definitely bring him back with this powerful thing called love!" Obito resisted the urge to smack him "THIS ISN'T ABOUT LOVE! DON'T LUMP ME IN THE MIX EITHER! HMPH!" The other three rolled their eyes "Yeah, right, and I'm straight." Iruka mumbled causing the Uchiha to stutter.

"I'm not dealing with this right now! Go back home this is a solo mission!" Obito stormed off once again but being tailed by the other three "Yeah and let you win him over while we're here? No thank you!" Iruka said as he grinned seeing the boy in front shake in anger.


A/N: Hey! Sorry for not updating in a while! I will be working on the next chapter ASAP!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2020 ⏰

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