Chapter 6: Gutter Balls, Bowling Balls, and Newton Balls

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Dedicated to nonfictionsim for his bomb books and his friendship. Banner by minerals


Chapter 6: Gutter Balls, Bowling Balls, and Newton Balls

"Luke, I don't understand why you're so against me going on dates." Especially if you're not going to take me on any, I added silently.

"I'm not against you going on dates," he objected. I'm questioning your choice of guys that you choose to be seen in public with."

Well that was a mouthful. "I choose to be seen in public with you, don't I?"

He opened his mouth to speak, but it immediately closed. He couldn't think of a comeback, so instead he replied, "Touché."

I laughed. He was just too ridiculously cute for his own good. "But seriously though, you don't have to go all mama bear on me."

I was sprawled across my bed, resting my head on a fluffy pillow as Luke played with the silver charm bracelet he got me for my twelfth birthday. Every birthday after that, he always added a new charm, something that usually signified the year before. Cliché and cheesy, I know, but it was still sweet and it was something I looked forward to every year.

"You're right. I'll opt for the big brother bear."

I suppressed a groan. Here we go again with the brother word. Why did he have to put it like that? Nevertheless, I smiled and kissed his cheek. Yeah, I was brave enough to do that now. His cheek was really soft, almost like velvet. Was it possible for a guy's skin to be that soft? I think he secretly steals my lotion. That would explain the missing Carried Away lotion I got at the mall...

"So have you figured out who Emma lost her virginity to yet?"

I frowned. She had told me she lost it at a party and when she woke up the next day she couldn't remember because she was too hung over. It was a shame really. I knew she was saving herself for someone special. I hadn't brought it up since she told me over the phone during the summer. Maybe I should ask her again, just in case she had new information. But if she did, she would tell me. We were like sisters.

"No? Why? Do you know anything about this?"

"No," he answered. "I was just wondering, that's all."

I suspected that he was lying and gave him a suspicious look. He smiled sweetly, too innocent for Luke. What did he know?


"Look who's approaching us!" Emma squealed, her eyes flickering between me and whoever was behind us.

I rolled my eyes, knowing that she was talking about one of the guys in the Top Four; that's her favorite topic lately. "Which one is it?"

"Mind if I borrow Charlotte for a second?" Alec asked.

"Not at all," Emma sighed, still staring dreamily at him.

Alec waited for her to leave so he could talk to me alone, but she never did. She finally got the picture and scurried away, dropping some of her books. She scrambled to pick them up, her face red. She was just too cute.

I looked at Alex expectantly. "So what did you want to talk about? I don't want to be late for class."

"Oh, I was wondering if you were planning to go to the game on Friday."

Was he inviting me to watch him play? "You mean tomorrow?"

He chuckled, his dark hair swaying slightly from side to side. "Yeah, I guess that would be tomorrow."

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