Chapter 5

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I know I know, it's been almost two months since I uploaded this story! I'm so so sorry!! Homework and school are killing mee! But oh well, I hope you like, or love this chapter! Give me your opinion and don't forget to vote too and if you want fan (: Enjoy!

Chapter 3

Kill me now. Let me explain why, since its Friday and Derek can't start school today I thought "I guess I can take him with me to class, how much damage can he do?" I should've left him at home. You know when in shows someone says "It could be worse" and everything starts to go wrong? I feel exactly like that now. First at the apartment he got stuck in the toilet and while I helped him (It was a little awkward, I admit) the toast I was making burnt. After I tried to make mix for pancakes and he distracted me and threw the mix all around the kitchen, and at last I tried with cereal and he made a disaster on the table. Because all of this I was already late and sped up a bit to go to the University, and guess what? A policeman saw and gave me a ticket. Let me tell you, at this point I was already fuming. And Derek non-stop talk was only making it worse.

"Can you just shut up?" I snapped and saw his eyes spark with tears. "I'm sorry Dee, I'm just a little bit cranky, could you please be silent for a minute so I can calm myself?" I took my eyes off the road for a second and saw him nod and when I look up again I saw I was about to crash. I took a wild turn and heard the tires screech and the other driver pointed the finger at me. "Shoot" I said and stopped to the side of the road "Are you ok Derek?" I asked him while scanning for any damage.

"Ok? That was awesome! Can you do it again mommy?" he said grinning and I shook my head, smiling a bit before driving the rest of the way to Harvard.

I got out and shut the door of the car and went and opened Derek's. He took my hand and I had barely time to lock the car before he started running off, while dragging me, to the opposite direction of my class. I tried stopping but he was strong for his age, and all I managed to do was take my hand out and he kept running. So I had to run while trying to catch him. When I finally got him I looked at my watch and saw I was already thirty minutes late. I stopped the urge to curse and almost ran to my class.

Now I was in front of the door, mustering the courage to open it and walk inside with a little boy who was jumping up and down. I took a deep breath and turned the knob before walking inside. I swear every pair of eyes turned to me and the teacher sent an angry look my way. My cheeks turned bright red and I let my hair fall over my face to cover the blush. And as I was walking to the only empty seat, that luckily, not! Was beside Blake, Derek decided to talk, or most likely shout.

"Whewe awhe we mommy?" I froze, literally. I couldn't make a move. Yet see anyone in the eye.

When I shook awake from my temporary shock, mostly because the lecturer said "You're late already Miss White, do all of us a favor and take a seat", I walked with my head down in defeat and slumped in my seat. Tears were making their way to my eyes and I blinked furiously to keep them away. Why was I sad? Derek didn't do a thing but say the truth, so why did I felt like this? Maybe because I didn't want strangers to think the worse of me, but again, why do I care about what others think? I let my head rest in my desk, only to feel a note landing in my head and Derek tugging on my hand. I decided to look at the little kid first.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I don't have a seat" he said looking down and I pat my lap and answered.

"Come here" he looked up, his eyes bright and jumped on my lap. I smiled at him and then bent down to grab a notebook and take notes.

As I was leaning over I felt the note fall to the floor. I picked it up and opened it without thinking. It read "I didn't know you had a husband. Must be a lucky guy" Husband. That word brought painful memories, ones that would be always imprinted in my head. I willed myself to forget, but my mind liked to play cruel games with me and one of her favorite one was to every time I got close to enjoy myself and life shatter t it and remind me reality was no joy ride. This, was what made everything break, I couldn't stand it anymore. I grabbed my bag, took Derek's hand and walked out the door. As soon as I was out I began running towards the parking lot, Derek was laughing freely, thinking we were playing a game, unaware of my pain and the tears that were trailing down my cheeks and to the ground. And I like it that way, I didn't want him to be sad or ask questions. As I got in the car I heard my name being shouted but I ignored it and reversed before speeding out of the University and towards the hospital. I'm weak, there's no denying that. I can't fool myself, because I bet that if someone else had my life then they wouldn't be so soft like me. I cry easily, I get sad easy, but the one lesson I learnt is to not let anyone in my heart. Well apart from my family and Lizzie. I was too focused on my thoughts that I didn't realize I had past the hospital. I stopped the car and banged my head with the steering wheel before turning the other way. I was surprised Dee hadn't talk at all, so I sneak a peek at him, only to find his eyes closed and his chest moving up and down because of his steady breathing. I shook my head with a tiny smile playing on my lips. I parked the car and got out, then I opened Derek's door and took him into my arms.

I was surprised at how heavy he was, I tried balancing him in my hips while closing the car, and succeeded. Slowly I made my way to the glass doors and before I knew it I was in front of my Nonno's room. 'You can do this' I thought to myself as I took one hand from Dee to grasp the doorknob and turn it slowly. When I finally opened the door I found he was asleep as well. Should I wake him up? In truth I just wanted for him to take care of Derek while I had some alone time. Sometimes I think I'm more a burden than a help. I put two of the chairs together and put Derek there. Then I grabbed one of the many pillows the bed had and put it below his head. I couldn't help smiling when I took a look at both of them sleeping. From my purse I grabbed pen and paper and wrote in my messy handwriting:

"Hello Nonno,

If you wake up before I come back, be calm. I left a sleeping Derek here because I needed some alone time. Hopefully he won't be waking up soon. I'm sorry for the inconveniencies.

See you soon,


Carefully I left the note laying on the hardwood surface of the night table. With one last glance I turned round and with long, slow strides made my way out of the honey smelling room. Soon I was out of the hospital and walking towards my cozy car. I had one hand in the doorknob and the other on the window when I decided to take a walk instead. Opening I left my purse inside and only took my phone and Ipod with me. After hearing the sound of the alarm securing all doors I started to make my way towards the concrete and cold sidewalk. Absentmindedly I brought my coat closer to myself while listening to "She will be loved" by Maroon 5. I wonder if one day would I ever be loved? I doubt it. After all I was loved, long time ago. But I don't think I will ever open my heart again, or what's left of it.

I don't know how much time passed of me walking but suddenly I found myself at a lake surrounded by a forest. How did I even get inside a forest? This wasn't good, my senses picked up immediately. The way the wind blew across the trees leave, the quiet sound of singing birds and the sound of calming water. But amongst those beautiful sounds one stood out, the sound of heavy and fast footsteps coming my way. I didn't stay to admire the breathtaking view. I turned in my heels and started running through what I hoped, was the route I took to get there. My heart beat was increasing; I could hear my heart pounding in my ears. Adrenaline cursed through my veins and I pushed my feet to go faster. Everything was a blur, leaves were cutting through my skin, I didn't have the time to stop and didn't dare to look back. Suddenly the floor was swept under me and I was falling. I closed my eyes tightly and put out my hands in front of me to prevent damage. My hands landed in the soft grass, my Ipod falling inches away form them and my knees scraped against a tree's root. I scrambled into a sitting position, took my Ipod and put my hand over my heart. My breathing was rapid and instable; brown hair blowing wildly with the wind. Suddenly I stopped hearing the footsteps and I looked up, only to find a row of trees in front of me and when I looked back I saw the street. Slowly, I stood up and gave a circle to try and see anything, someone, something, but there was none. I started walking towards civilization and it was then from the corner of my eye when I caught a shadow moving in the dark; but as I turned towards that direction the shadow was already gone. I shook my head as I arrived at the sidewalk and recognized where I was. I sighed a breath of relieve and started walking towards the hospital. What could've happened? How did I get into the forest? And most importantly, who was there?

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