smoke rings

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tw: recreational drug usage (weed)

Thomas plunked down into the hot tub and sighed, enjoying the night air.

Behind him, the house pounded with loud music, strobing multicolored lights, and lively shouts as more than a few too many people were crammed into the place. 

Needless to say, after a while, the heat and smell of cigarettes and alcohol mixed with the noise (that ought to be breaking multiple city ordinances), got quite overbearing. 

Thankfully, not too many people were outside- in fact, he was pretty sure he was the only one out there.

He was rather glad for that. 

He reached over to his phone that sat on top of his pile of clothes and checked the time. 12:17.

Truth be told, he never actually wanted to be there, having only agreed when Minho asked- no, begged for him to come.

The only reason why he hadn't left was because even if he managed to find the other boy in the maze of the house, he would probably be drunk as all hell and making out with someone.

So there he stayed, eyes closed and relaxing in some stranger's hot tub to the backdrop noise of a somewhat muted houseparty.


Thomas opened his eyes to see a pair of legs standing at the edge of the tub. He followed them up and recognized Newt with a small smile on his face.

His cheeks were tinted pink, either from alcohol or the ungodly temperature within the house, his blond hair tousled and some strands stuck to his forehead. He was wearing his leather jacket, the one that he hardly ever took off.

"Never thought I'd see you at this party, did Minho blackmail you into coming?" 

"Nah," He moved closer to Thomas before sitting cross legged on the edge. "Well, he tried. I came on my own."

"It's nice to see you though."

"We saw each other at lunch, Tommy."

"It doesn't make it any less nice." 

He let out a soft laugh that made Thomas' heart flutter. 

"No, I suppose not."

Thomas rested his chin on his arm and smiled up at Newt. 

It was no secret that he had a huge crush on him.

Or well, that's what Minho always says before immediately calling both of them oblivious 'twats', in the most god-awful british accent (according to Newt).

"I'm not bothering you, am I?"

"Oh, no," Thomas shook his head. "Just had to get away from all that, y'know?"

"And you did so by stripping down to your boxers and getting into somebody's hot tub?"

"What else was I supposed to do?"

Newt rolled his eyes. "Whatever you say, Tommy." 

Thomas hummed and stuck out his tongue. 

"Well, you wouldn't mind if I joined you, yeah?"

Thomas paused, trying to register what he said. 

"Oh, definitely- I mean, yeah, you can." 

Newt laughed and Thomas internally slapped himself for being such an utter dumbass.


He got to his feet and walked away for a few moments before coming back with his clothes draped over his arm. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2019 ⏰

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