Chapter 5

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Chapter Five


Time passed in unknown intervals as Sage stared into the darkness of her cell. She listened closely for the faint splat of water knowing seconds later a new drop would fall in its place. Sure enough, the damp floorboards overhead gave a small sigh as if the ship were crying and a single tear plopped into the gathering puddle at her feet.

With a sigh, Sage closed her eyes. Pain flared in her wounded shoulders as the ship took a wave to its side. Each jostle was hell. Exhaling shakily, her focus settled on the growing puddle. Drip, drip, drip.

Another 'drip' and then the sound of boots. Eyes locked on the murky water; Sage listened intently. Each step traveled closer albeit slow until the steps ceased. At their end came a clang of metal. With a tilt of the head, Sage spotted the hazy form of a tray in her peripheral. An unpleasant stench wafted from the bowl upon it.

Preferring not to think on the food, Sage's gaze traveled elsewhere. A shadowy individual stood watching with their golden eyes like lightbulbs in the dark

"What do you want?"

"My brother wanted me to feed the dogs," Echo replied.

"Do you always do as he says?" Sage asked, arching a brow. It was barely noticeable, but she was lucky enough to catch it; the twitch of a muscle in Echo's jaw. Unfortunately, the rest of the princess' façade remained.

With unblinking eyes, Echo gestured down at the tray. Sage didn't move, but when the princess' eyes narrowed it was clear; she was not to turn down the offer.

"You expect me to eat? Fine. Where are my arms?" Sage demanded. She expected a reply, expected Echo to offer up the prosthetics, but the princess didn't move. Slowly, Sage understood; 'My brother wanted me to feed the dogs.'

With as much of a glare as she could muster, Sage clambered awkwardly to her feet. Once balanced she ambled slowly towards the waiting tray.

"Sit," Echo whispered.

Stifling a retort, Sage dropped. There was nothing to slow the descent. With a thud her knees cracked against the floor. "Happy?"

Echo gave no response. She simply watched with cold, distant eyes. The stench of food was even worse than before, and Sage was forced to look away as she gagged. Stomach turning, eyes watering, and will wavering, Sage leaned down towards the dish. No different than a tentative lizard, her tongue dipped into the substance.


Overwhelmed by taste and stench it took all the steampunk's resolve to gather a small mouthful of the pasty meal. Even then the urge to spit up the contents of her mouth was unbearable. After attempting to swallow twice- the inevitable happened. Echo's boots were soon decorated with watery gray paste.

One moment on the ground the next in two hands, Sage found herself eye to eye with her captor. "Is this a game to you? Eat or I'll make sure you starve."

Still suppressing the urge to puke, Sage gave no indication that she'd heard the order. All she could focus on were two golden eyes burning with a thousand suns. Then, at last, Sage found her voice.

"Sorry, I don't have arms."

"Then lick it up if you have to." A snarl resonated from the back of Echo's throat as two sharp teeth like that of a dog replaced her canines.

"Enough! I didn't ask you to come play with them." Sage glanced to the left, finding Enzo at the opposite side of the cell.

Echo opened her mouth to protest but Enzo silenced her with the wave of a hand. Just as before the two siblings stared at one another. At last, Echo's grip loosened.

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