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A/N: the plot is a bit off in this episode but bare with me 

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A/N: the plot is a bit off in this episode but bare with me 

That night when Avery awoke, she hadn't expected it to be a phone call from Garcia.

"Garcia?" she spoke into the phone, her voice rough with sleep, blinking to try and focus. "What's wrong?"

"It's Reid," she said, her voice shaking with tears. "He's in surgery right now, they're saying it doesn't look good but if-"

"What doesn't look good, Penelope?" she asked, jumping out of bed and starting to throw things into a bag. "What happened?"

"Just..get here as soon as you can," she said. "The jet's waiting at Quantico. Please, just get here."

Avery packed a bag and changed into the first things she could find before heading right to the jet. She was texting everyone on the team but they were still on a case, they had no idea what was happening right now. 

He was in surgery? Avery couldn't help but think that he could possibly die. As soon as the jet landed, she caught a cab to the hospital, paying extra for him to speed. 

When she got there, she ran inside and just looked for a familiar face. 

"Penelope!" She breathed, running over and giving her a hug.

Garica sobbed into her shoulder and Avery knew right then that it was bad. "What happened?"

"The case, the cops are corrupted, they're knowingly killing the prostitutues," she said quickly. "They thought they had a suspect that was shooting at them and Blake was in the cross fire so Reid went and grabbed her but he was shot."

Avery's eyes filled with tears and she sucked in a breath. "He was shot?"

"In the neck."

Garcia helped Avery sit down because her head was spinning. He could die in that room. Alone and cold. 

"He has to make it." Garcia said to Avery.

Avery nodded. "He has to make it."

They sat there for an hour, maybe more, anxiously waiting to hear something. They just needed to hear something. JJ had come back to talk to her, hugging her so tight that she couldn't breath.

Finally, the doctor came out. Avery tried to read his body language but she couldn't. She was too distracted.

"How is he?" JJ asked.

"Incredibly lucky," he answered. "Two millimeters to the right and the bullet would have torn through the carotid artery.."

The doctor continued talking but she was near collapsing. He was okay. Her best friend. He was okay.

"He's still asleep but you can see him."

"I have to go back on the case, but you two stay here and talk to him." JJ said, hugging the two tightly before heading off the finish this thing.

Avery stepped inside the room and she felt like her legs were going to give out from underneath her. There he was, laying in the hospital bed, asleep. There was a bandage wrapped around his neck and Avery had to clamp a hand over her mouth to keep from sobbing.

Garcia clutched her hand as she sat down in the chair next to his bed. She reached out and took his hand, her thumb gliding over his knuckles. "Oh, Spencer, what did you do?"

"He made it." Garica smiled, brushing a hand through his hair.

"Yes, he did." Avery smiled, needing to see his hazel eyes.

Garcia was helping them solve their case while Avery was waiting for him to wake up. It wasn't until about an hour and twenty minutes later that he stirred, breathing in deeply before opening his eyes.

His eyes immediately feel onto Avery and he smiled. "There he is."

She scooted close to the bed and gripped his hand, tears burning her eyes. "Avery, what are you doing here?"

"Just coming to poke fun at the trouble you got yourself into."

He laughed, grimacing at the pain in his neck. "Thank you for coming."

She stood up and wrapped her arms around his torso and hugged him so tightly he couldn't breath. She pressed a kiss against his neck and she felt him shiver against her skin. 

He was still relatively high on drugs but the feeling of her body against his was enough to bring him out of the haze. Garcia was only smiling at the two, pretending that she wasn't.

"I was so scared," she said, her lips close to his ear. "I thought you were going to-"

"I'm not going anywhere," he replied, his voice hoarse. "I'm gonna stay right here, okay?"

She nodded against his neck and pulled back, meeting those hazel eyes she'd missed so much. She pressed her lips against his forehead and smiled, his hand reaching up and wiping the tears from her cheeks.

"Why don't you get some sleep?" She whispered, her nose about to bump against his.

Reid nodded, watching her sit down and grip his hand tightly. He closed his eyes and brushed his fingers across her, falling into a deep sleep.

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