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I sat up and touched the inside of the crystal tomb. It was large. I could not see the outside of the tomb, only shadows from whatever place the tomb was in. I punched through the crystal and the shards flew outwards, away from me and onto the floor. I gasped when I saw the outside. I was in the crystal cavern. My eyes widened and I gasped as I recognized the place that my tomb was in. I was buried in the crystal cavern. I heard voices coming nearer, and I nearly fainted. One of the voices was Rage. The other was Ryuki. I missed them so much. I looked at myself in the shiny part of the tomb's inside wall. I still looked like my old self, except for one minor detail. I gasped. My hair was white. The voices had paused. I heard footsteps rushing over to the tomb.

A gasp was heard as a foot entered into my line of sight. I flinched backwards as a shadow fell over the tomb. "Lyric? Lyric!" A snapping sound was heard, and the top was sheared away from the rest of my tomb. Rage reached in and pulled me up."Lyric, are you really alive? Are you..." He stopped, looking anxiously at me. "Do you remember me?" "R-" I stop and cough, my voice is really scratchy and dry. And I was hungry. Very hungry. "Run..." He stared at me, confused. "Run..." His eyes widened, and he set me down in the tomb. "What do you mean?" My teeth grew sharpened points. I smiled and my eyes turned pitch black. "Run, little Rage. Run and I will catch you." He looked shocked, and finally caught on to what was happening. "I'm hungry."He ran.

Carefully stepping over the shards of crystal, I dashed past Ryuki and towards Rage's retreating figure. We burst outside, and I followed him to the edge of the forest. Humans stopped walking to watch us. The town we were in was a small one. It would do. I soon lost Rage in a throng of people. People were pointing and whispering at me. My head hung. My wings unfolded from the back of the dress that I was wearing. The people stopped as I started to mumble to myself. "Jackie... wake up, IT'S TIME FOR A SNACK!" I whispered, yelling the last part. People screamed and ran away from me as I changed. "You can run... but you can never hide from me."

I slithered into the town square. Everyone had hidden inside their houses. Hey, Jackie whispered to me. Hi Jackie. Need anything at the moment? Any suggestions? I chuckled a bit on the inside. Nope. Just wanted to say hi. Do you know how long you were gone from this world? How long you were in that state? No brainwaves, no heartbeat, nothing working in your body? I shook my head. How long? 9 years. Nine years passed while we were talking. Rage did not move on, you know that, right? I was surprised. I had been dead. How could he not have moved on? Why did he not move on? I was puzzled. He should've moved on. I was dead. Had he hoped that I would come back? No. He couldn't have. I growled, and sniffed the air. I was angry. Would he leave me now?

Hours later, I was a mess, blood staining my scales and claws. All the humans in the town were dead. Jackie was chattering in the background. They tasted very good, and I'll need to digest them before you change back so that you don't burst open. The food won't shrink with you. Also, you need a new change of clothes so that when you change back, you won't be walking around with nothing on. Also, when we got back to the cave, you need to show me around, and introduce me to your friends. When we found Rage, you'll have to introduce him to me. Showing me around will make me less likely to just walk in on someone when you're asleep, and- I cut her off. I smelled Rage nearby. I bounded towards the town square again, but before I reached it, I took a sharp jump up onto the nearest roof. I looked around, tensing when I saw Rage approaching me. I lay on the top of the roof as he cautiously came closer. "You won't eat me, will you?" I shook my head. I held out a paw, and he took it. I swung him onto my back, and he gasped and wrapped his arms around my neck, a bit too tightly. I can't breathe, Rage. I muttered.

He loosened his grip on me, and I slowly started to walk along the rooftop. He shrieked and I laughed softly to myself. He held on tighter as I neared the end of the rooftop. I jumped the gap between the houses and continued on until we reached the town hall. I set him down as we lay on the flat top of the building. "Why'd you do that?" I tilted my head in confusion. "Why'd you kill all those people? I mean, you could've killed deer, not those innocent humans." I snorted. "Not all of those humans were innocent. Also, you were the one who led me straight to this town. Jackie only came out to play a game." He narrowed his eyes. "Jackie?" I guess I'll show you then. Hey, dude. Rage looked shocked. Yet again.

"Um. Is this Jackie?" Yeah. Who else would it be? I am Jackie. Nice to meet you. When Lyric is in this form, she can transform if she doesn't eat anything when we hunt. If not, she'll burst. Food will not shrink with her. Where would all the extra matter go? As for the extra matter in this form, she has the ability grow and shrink at will now. I am not always in control, as you saw, because I didn't eat you when you approached us. I know you're an elemental, by the way. That wouldn't stop me from accidentally eating you though. We grinned. So. My wings are cramped, so I'm going to fly for a while. I'll meet you here when I'm done.

With that, we took off into the air. Jackie laughed. Your boyfriend is following us on the ground. Sure enough, when I looked at the ground, there was Rage, running in his wolf form, easily keeping pace with us. I laughed softly. "Let's give him a surprise." We dove down behind him, leaving a shadow figure in the sky. I grabbed him and soared back up, disrupting the shadow clone. He yelped and his paws turned into human hands, grabbing onto our claws as we held him close to our chest. We soon landed in the clearing where I had first met him. Jackie said her goodbyes and I changed back. I forgot that my clothes had ripped though, and as soon as Rage turned around, he yelped again, and slammed his head into the ground. "Rage, I'm so sorry! Let me go grab some clothes. Hopefully, my den is okay..." I ran in the direction of my den.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2019 ⏰

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